My 300 Gallon sps tank

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Just for grins, on, my way back from Missoula, I swung into Rock Bottom Reef and took a look around and talked with Wes for a while. He is just getting going, so bear with him, but it looks pretty nice in there, and Wes knows his stuff people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do yourself a favor, and stop on in and see him, and BS for a while.
Just for grins, on, my way back from Missoula, I swung into Rock Bottom Reef and took a look around and talked with Wes for a while. He is just getting going, so bear with him, but it looks pretty nice in there, and Wes knows his stuff people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do yourself a favor, and stop on in and see him, and BS for a while.

Hey Charlie . . . thought I would chime in too since I haven't been around in awhile. It's my fault, but I miss all of my reef buddies! :) My reef's not looking too good these days, at least not to me. I think it's that older tank syndrome, and taking things for granted that kicks in after about 5 years. Once the algae gets started, it just never seems to go away, and I too have resigned myself to the fact that it's inevitable, really. *Sigh* It's hard too, with limited space and no herbivores. Your tank is looking good, and I can see that you definitely moved stuff around. I'm starting to think that an occasional good overhaul is also inevitable, and may be in my future. I get a kick out of seeing the clowns in the fuge . . . they look pretty happy in there! Holy crap - 10" bristle worms?? Ew. How's your back doing?
Hey Kim, another voice from the I hear ya on the algae lady, when is that upgrade gonna happen :):). For the life of me, I cannot remember if you had sand or crushed coral for a substrate. If it is the latter, I know what it is, if it is sand, then it may be "old tank syndrome". God only knows, it is tough to watch things go south. Look at it this way, if you upgraded, maybe you could get that herbivore ;).
My back sucks plain and simple, but oh well, I just live on.
Thanx for the compliments, I haven't really moved anything around since last fall, and that was the green birdsnest over in front of the right overflow. I haven't added anything since last year, about half ass scared to.
Good to hear from you, hope you can make it on the 11th, but if not, I will raise a toast to the birthday girl.
This weeks tests:
alk-7.7 dkh
taken at 11 am
gonna do something wierd and test my makeup saltwater, just for grins, I am suspicious about the alkalinity.
I've got sand . . . something like 1-2 mm in size, which I experimented around until I got what I like. Yup, CC doesn't work - at least it didn't for me; and neither does sugar fine. Are you still thinking about adding sand to yours?? Huh, your tank really looks different to me . . . that's probably because it's been awhile since I've seen it! Upgrade - well, yes, I've been thinking awhile now about what I want in a new system, and I actually have the major stuff planned out in my head . . . I might need some help drilling . . .
If you need help drilling, that new shop in Polson might be able to help you out, he does all his own drilling.

No, I don't think sand is in the future, but if you need some, I have a ton of

I know you are a planner Kim, and I like that about you.

I did a bunch of rearranging last May and that is what got me in trouble to start with. I don't think I will touch anything for a while.
Good to know. I will have to swing in and check them out sometime when we make a trip to Missoula . . . Rock Bottom Reef, correct?
Sounds like everything is doing good in your tank. I have been out of the game for a while since my tank crashed. My basement will be done soon. Hopefully will be able to set up my tank again.
Well, I got the damn camera out again, I hate it when that happens. I got a bunch of top down shots with about 3 different lenses, and one shot that is gonna drive the tang police absolutely nuts. Anyways here goes, there's about 13 pics, so be patient with me.













Great looking pictures! Do you have any issues with the angel eating coral? i was thinking about getting one but have heard some horror stories about them.
Great pics Charlie and don't see anything wrong with that Tang collection you have. I have 4 Tangs temporarily in my 125 though the big ones are still babies. Also interested to here how well behaved/fed the Emperor Angel is ???

Cheers, Todd
Great pics Charlie and don't see anything wrong with that Tang collection you have. I have 4 Tangs temporarily in my 125 though the big ones are still babies. Also interested to here how well behaved/fed the Emperor Angel is ???

Cheers, Todd

I think I got your question about the emperor in the above post Todd. I was actually not worried about the amount of total tangs, it is the 3 zebrasomas that I was wondering if anybody would
Good deal Kim, his number is 249-4572, give him a jingle. I will let him give you

Thanks Charlie . . . appreciate the info. Wow, your picture taking skills are getting better all the time. Lookin really good!
Great looking pictures! Do you have any issues with the angel eating coral? i was thinking about getting one but have heard some horror stories about them.

You know, I love that fish of Charlie's so much, that I personally would just stock corals that she wouldn't eat. I usually park myself in front of the tank and just stare . . . Gorgeous fish.