My 55 gal

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2006
Kansas City Missouri
Well i see that most people have there start ups on here so i thought i would put my pics on here. Its my first saltwater tank so im very happy to get my feet wet.Its been up and running for about 3 months now. Its nothing jaw dropping but im happy with it. I have 2 fire clown fish and 1 leaf scorpian fish and waiting on the fuzzy dwarf lion fish. I have the blue leg hermit crabs and a emerald crab. With about 30 pounds of live rock and some crushed coral. Plus some other little guys from the live rock.

getting started

few more rocks...

more rocks getting $$$$$ :) and the skimmer cpr bak pak

taken today with the new blue back ground

that is it for now.. like i said nothing jaw dropping
im very happy to get my feet wet

Figuretively speaking or metaphorically because wet feet with a tank in the house is a bad thing:p Your tank is looking great Brady! Very nice setup so far! Keep up the good work and I will continue tagging along here:)
It's looking good, there is nothing like seeing a new tank setup. It reminds me that the hobby is alive and well.

I thought i would add some new pics got new lights nova extreme t5 and i took some pics of the fuzzy dwarf lion fish. Its starting to look like a fish tank now lol..

new lights t5!!!!

Fuzzy lion fish!!!

Getting some good growth on the back i dont like it but the wife likes it so i have to keep the peace!!!

Full tank shot!!!

thats it for now i will be adding other goodies later!!!
with the new t-5's you could do alot of corals..i like leathers..most of them are very easy to care for..
its looks like you have a great start and the tank size is really good for a first one. over time you may and more then likely will get the itch like most people and want a bigger tank but that looks great to start. Ronj is right with those lights you will have lots of choice when it comes to coral. well well done can't wait to see what it looks like in 6 or 8 months
New coral

Well i went to the lfs yesterday and picked up some zoa's there green and a few yellow guys on there. they didnt have any fire and ice on hand he is expecting them thursday..
