My 70 gallon build

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so the back of the tank went dark this weekend..


and i also got a carbon reactor from OBD.....


I think now it is time to get this tank drained and in the house..
today after work i drained the tank and sump and brought it upstairs with my super tough wife...
also blacked out my cpr lid and the sides and back to cut down on the alge.
here are the pic's



here is the sump all set up and waiting for water... decided that I was not tired enough after bring the tank and stand up last night so I did this as well.

tonight built my wall mount for led light and put it up and mounted the light. ran all the cords for everything and labeled the master switch..
hung the lifter pump next to the over flow box.



We all want to see the cloudy tank shot.
Looks like you have crossed your Ts and dotted your I's.
Great job on your build!
Please lets see if it holds water. LOL
Looks great nice build. You should put the heater in the sump when you get it running so you can't see it. But Keep going fill fill fill......Looks great.
I so don't want to be at work today.. I want to be home sitting there watching my water and sand settle.
lol.. well change of plans a little my wife finally said that she would rather have some trigers and lion fish over coral so we are going to go that route with the tank.

So I took the wife and kid to OBD today while at OBD Becca swiped our super cute baby and held him hostiage till we bought the phos. side of there dual reactor set up cause I had already bought the carbon side so I put in line today here is a pic.


the water is clearing up nicely will try and post a pic tommorow..