My 90g reef

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Thanks for the comments. I have a pump behind the rockwork and one line of the closed loop that also comes out behind the middle structure. They tend to move the sand out from under the reef. Plus most of the reef is suspended 1-2" above the bottom of the tank.

As for corals, very mixed. Need to see what these LEDs are capable off.

Also this summer we are adding a 150g (48x24x30) built in to ower living room. It will be going where the wood stove used to be. Never satisfied/glutten for punishment. I also have a planted 120 with discus and 8 breeding prs of discus.
Here are a few pics of the 120 just stripped 90% of the plants for a remodel. Also I'm note a photographer by anymeans :)





There is also a breeding treo of Geanacara Spenoza and 4 Geophagus Alti's that I'm growing out. If anyone has been to Dennys Pet World lately they have some of my older males SA Chiclids a super nice Mesonautus Festivum and 2 Red Headed Severums. SA Chiclids have been a passion of mine for years. \\P.S. My spelling isn't correct but lazy tonight and do not want to look them up. I use this tank to raise out young fish to breeding age. It is feed very very heavy and gets a 50% water change everyother day. You can see alge is still a problem though :(
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Sweet! Very nice man, Makes me want to start up a FW just for discus! I do have a FW but only stock is an ornate bichir, jack dempsey and brown knife. And wow a 50% WC every other day very dedicated!
Hello, thanks for the comps on my Discus.The 50% is to help compensate for the massive feedings the tank gets. Let me know if you ever set up a tank for some, I'll help get you started.

Well onto the salty side of things. Alge bloom coming on strong. Did get a new second power cord for the LED fixture. Running the white side at 70% and the blue side at 40%. Took the 150hqi out and put the LED in the middle. Bright little sucker!! The second one should be here tomorrow or Saturday. Will get them mounted and dialed in. Still fighting the Reffocto skimmer a bit. Getting a dry foam but still getting a tan "water" in the colection cup.
Tested the water again today also, to see whats up and I had the day off.
Ph 8.2
NA3 .25ppm
NO2 1.0ppm
NO3 5.0ppm

Well :(
Here is a pic, the alde shows some of the front to back depth of the rock. Lol
Little update. Second light came in and light brakets are about 99% done. Have to trim them about .100 to fit inbetween the hanging points. Also started on plumbing the calcium reactor into the second sump along with a bio-pellet, and a phos reactor. This will round out the equipment list.

The main display is looking good other than the green alge bloom. Pain to get a planted tank to pearl but this alge is releasing oxygen like mad?!?!?! That brings me to a question. Will the alge thats in coral realese excess oxygen, with the intense LED lights that seems like it could be a problem?
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Well not much of a update. Waiting on the tank to settle.
Nitrate and Nitrite bothe measuring 0ppm. Ammonia is not moving and has stayed at .25ppm for the past 5 days. Waiting on my Salifert kits to come in. Using a API saltwater master kit right now. Also having a cronic low ph problem. Test kit reads at 8.0 and the reefkeeper reeds 7.99. I top off with kalwasser/RO so a little miffed about that. I have alot of surface agitation and two fans in the hood that run 24/7. Did order some buffer along with the kits so will try that.

Have a couple gift certificates for Dennys, may try to go on Sunday and pic up some clean up crew animals. Getting some tufts of turf alge starting to grow on the rockwork along with "encrusting" clams. Not sure that is the right term, but they have been opening up and you can see their siphons and a white/grey mantle. Couple of them are preety big, about 3" long. How they survived curing in my garage. Will try to get a picture of one.

Last update is may be switching my lighting soon. Talking to Eric about their LED product. The Taotronics have not let me down but notice a little of the blue/white spot light action on the upper reef structure.
Plus most of the reef is suspended 1-2" above the bottom of the tank.

Dont know if anyone else mentioned it, but be very careful of this.
If you get ANY sand sifting animals, and you will want them with a sand bed, you will want to get your rock to settle to the bottom and be stable without sand under it because those sand sifting animals will move the sand out from under the rock and cause the rock to shift and it could all come tumbling down. Its a good idea to stabilize your rock work first and then add the sand. If you want the rock up off the bottom of the tank, some people will drill the rock and set the rock on acrylic rods to keep it up off the bottom.
Zach, the Reeftank is really coming along nicely... great job. I'm just up the hill from you (Seattle Hill Rd) and would be happy to donate a few Coral starts and or Macro Algae for fuge when your ready. Your Discus tank is awesome and was a passion of mine also years ago along with Apistogramma Sp. SA Chiclids.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks everyone. The ammonia has been a solid .25 from the start. Test kit is about a year old. May just be older regent. My salifert kit should be at the house when i get home. Tonight will be the third 10g water change. Also the skimmer has settled in and is producing nice green sludge instead of just smelly brown water. The ammonia but no nitrate/nitrite readings are whats ggot me.
Cured it and was reading .15ppm. Maybe I knocked something loose that had some locked up nastyness. Not getting too excited will be at least another week before I get to think about adding anything. Works a little slow and heading. To Cour D'Lane this weekend to judge a rabbit show. raise rabbits! Or just judge? I want a bunny...Okay, can we go off topic for a few bunny pics?
If you cant tell, I love animals.