My 90g reef

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It needs a update but here is my website
me and my fience have rex, tans, netherland dwarfs, and mini lops
Ahhhhh satisfaction!! My salifert test came in. Put them in side and let them warm up while I got some other stuff done. Just finished testing
pH 8.0
NH4 0ppm
NO2 0ppm
NO3 20ppm
CA above 500ppm (guess I can slow down on the kalkwasser untill I get some coral in there)
KH 8.0dKH
Alk 2.85meq/L

These numbers are where I thought the tank would be. Green alge and brown diatom blooms have come and gone. Just need to get the second sump done and we will be ready for some wet freinds!!
We are just off Spada Rd. Would love to get some Macro for the sump. Had a mud/mangrove sump years ago. Think the alge works better and much easier to do nutriant export. What corals do you have? Want to start off with a few hardy corals to get thinks dialed in. I tend to go slow and tripple check everything. Comes from being a Machinist, devils in the details.

Zach, the Reeftank is really coming along nicely... great job. I'm just up the hill from you (Seattle Hill Rd) and would be happy to donate a few Coral starts and or Macro Algae for fuge when your ready. Your Discus tank is awesome and was a passion of mine also years ago along with Apistogramma Sp. SA Chiclids.

Cheers, Todd
Not that they are impressive with out lots of corals and fish but some stuff I found in the reef that interest me.
Some little hard corals on one of the gulf rocks

One of the "encrusting clams" for lack of better knowledge

Turf alge tufts and other bits of fauna

The tank with dirty glass, sorry have not been cleaning it alot. More fun to get some build up than clean it off and watch the skimmer go nutz. Also have the lights a bit low and running front to back instead of side to side. Have to finish the braket to hang them, but looking at different lights so holding off.
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Tank has settled in and is looking great. Who in the North Seattle to Marysville area has nice clean up crew kritters? Looking for snails and hermits.

Also kinda worked on a stock list of what I would like in the tank.
Multi-colored angle
White tail or two spot bristle tooth tang
Acares chromis x3 or yellowstrip cardinal x3
possum or sixline wrasse
orangeback or McCoskers wrasse
orange spot sleeper goby
greenband goby
yellowheaded jawfish or blue spot jawfish
midas blenny
fathead anthis

This is a list of fish I like. Still whitling it down. I like color and movement. Suggestions and comments are very welcome!!
So does this order look right for adding fish? Going shopping this weekend for a few fish and maybe a coral or two :)

4-Multi-colored angle
5-White tail or two spot bristle tooth tang
1-Acares chromis x3 or yellowstrip cardinal x3
3-possum or sixline wrasse
2-orangeback or McCoskers wrasse
1-orange spot sleeper goby
3-greenband goby
1-yellowheaded jawfish or blue spot jawfish
2-midas blenny
2-fathead anthis

I have been feeding the tank crushed flake to keep the cycle going the last couple days. Plus added 10 blue leg hermits and 20 snails. Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite have all tested neg for 3 days in a row.
Looking good! try not to add too many fish too fast! 5 white tails might be a little bit too many for a 90 in addition to the other fish you want...
LOL I knew what you meant by the numbers.
But yeah, start with only a couple and then after a few weeks and another one or two. Dont add too many too fast or your bioload will go up too high for the filtration to keep up with and you will end up with an ammonia spike.
Well picked up my first couple fish. A mated pr of gold headed gobys instead of orange spotted. A blue spotted jawfish, well had too instead of the yellow headed ones, don't want him to match my gobies, and broke out with a bi-color blenny. He was cute :). They are in a nice 30g QT tank for the next week or so. No corals budget is a little tight right now. Good news though we just got a ton of POs today at work. Looks like overtime for a few weeks!!