My 90gallon Build!!

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
So far my new 90gal Bowfront display is goin real well and looking healthy!! Tested....
Spacif. Gravity:1.025-1.026

90 bow display/w built in overflow,About 350lbs live rock,2.5" Pink Fiji/Pink Bemini live sand,Quiteone Return Pump,A 9watt UV(small one for parasites and diatoms),25 gallon sump,Etss 800xr skimmer with an iwaki 40rlxt Ex. Pump,dual 10k 250watt double ended halide, quad 65watt powercompacts, 16 1watt LED Moonlights,Cascade 1000 canister filter, and many more accessories to get in near future please let me know what you think about the setup?? Will post pics very soon just at work rite now!!!
I didnt know you could fit 350 lbs. of rock in a 90gal tank??
Sounds like you have a great start.

BTW You will get more feedback and comments on your build if you were to post this in the Members Showcase Forum.
Maybe one of our Mods here could relocate it for you.
I kno it sounds "Imposible" but I have a 55g tank I'm building into a 4chamber sump (3-4" live sand,chato, "Big Porous"live rock then the last chamber I'm goin to put rubble rock!!! Let me kno wat u think about this plan as I am starting today rite after work!!
Curing this Rock for about 7-8 months now with Schwduled water changes an tests!!!

I like to hear that "you never thought I can fit 350lbs of LR" because I thought the same thing Myself till I sat down and tried to figure out a way to use all my rock rather then to keep them curing!! Cuz I won't sell my reef Equiptment Anymore as I made that mistake two years ago when I had to give up reefing because money was too tight!!! Here's my old system and some of my coral pics!!! Tell me wat u think???




Looks awesome!! Can't tell its a bow front from the pictures tho.
I love bow fronts. 90 bow would be so cool
I would love a livestock list, corals fish inverts and such.
keep it up

ohhhh that was your old system. Still need updates on the new system :D PICTURES
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Looks awesome!! Can't tell its a bow front from the pictures tho.
I love bow fronts. 90 bow would be so cool
I would love a livestock list, corals fish inverts and such.
keep it up
Hahahaa sorry here's my new 90G bow!!
90GD Bow!!

25g sump!!

Etss 800xr Skimmer/40rlxt iwaki pump!!

Just thought it was a perfect spot for my chato!!

i know my Aquascape looks kinda empty but wanted to cure new rock (the new rock I have yet to put in)!!
IMO you are wasting a bunch of rock.
"They Say" 1lbs per gal. so lets say you use 120lbs for the 90. Then in your 55 sump you use 75lbs.
That is 195lbs, lets call it an even 200lbs of live rock is plenty to run that system.
You have 150 lbs of rock you could sell for say.... $2 per pound.. Thats $300 for an upgraded piece of equipment, or some nice coral.

Just my opinion.
Interesting spot for the chaeto. Will it get a decent amount of flow and light?

I like the aquascape in the first picture of you last post. Lots of shelves for corals.
IMO you are wasting a bunch of rock.
"They Say" 1lbs per gal. so lets say you use 120lbs for the 90. Then in your 55 sump you use 75lbs.
That is 195lbs, lets call it an even 200lbs of live rock is plenty to run that system.
You have 150 lbs of rock you could sell for say.... $2 per pound.. Thats $300 for an up graded piece of equipment, or some nice coral.

Just my opinion.
Yes I know I can get a lot of Equiptment money but I used to reef about 3-4 years ago and got rid of all my Equiptment and now that I'm starting bak up I REGRET selling my system!!! But I need a bunch of Rock because in the near future I am setting up a frag tank that NOMERCYMIKE is goin to help me on!!!
So I can't Seem to SELL my rock!!! It's like an addiction of collecting Live rock and putting all SHOW piece rock in my display for future high end corals!!! But thanks for the suggestion!!!
Interesting spot for the chaeto. Will it get a decent amount of flow and light?

I like the aquascape in the first picture of you last post. Lots of shelves for corals.
Hahahahaaaa I kno rite?? That is an interesting spot for the chato I just figured it has lots of flow and my lights do give it enough light, well seems to be enough for them to thrive, the ball is growing rapidly as a matter a fact I just pulled some out this morning!!!
Hahahahaaaa I kno rite?? That is an interesting spot for the chato I just figured it has lots of flow and my lights do give it enough light, well seems to be enough for them to thrive, the ball is growing rapidly as a matter a fact I just pulled some out this morning!!!
And thanks for compliment RAINYDAVE I still have to add more rock to my display but don't want to add to many at a time because I have livestock in there!!!
I just picked up a monster of a skimmer (ATI BUBBLE MASTER 250), 30lbs dead rock, two buckets of sand for "KILLER PRICES" from "NOMERCYMIKE" GOTTA CHECK his ADD on "CLASSIFIEDS" check it out!!!


Thanks ALOT Mike you saved me a bunch of money that ill be back for more Equiptment and frag tank pack you are making me!!! Thanks again...
Not sure wat skimmer to use but it will be either the ETSS 800xr or the ATI Bubble Master 250????? Need help on making my kind up because I like both skimmers and both are high end???? Pics to show you wat I Meen????
ETSS 800XR rated for 400gallons

and or the ATI Bubble Master 250 rated 500+ gallons!!!

Both Awesome!!!!
Also A frag tank 40Breeder 25g sump is being made for me from NOMERCYMIKE!!! Should get it by next week or so!!! And why should I need to Upgrade my 90 gallon to match these skimmers??The skimmer should Always be high end if I'm doing a MIxED REEF. More chances of chemical warfare between my coral and it will have a heavy boi-load, Trust me sir I only want THE BEST FOR MY LIVESTOCK As I do the same for myself, Thank you for your input but for now this is what came up for me from NOMERCYMikE and had to grab it!!! I got both skimmers from him and my livestock so far is loving it! Water is crystal clear, this is using the ETSS 800!!
Pics of old reef about 3-4 years ago!!

Red sea Berlin Turboflotor 5000 Single Protein Skimmer rated 400g

Aqua euro Classic 400 dual pump rated 400g
I sometimes wish I could afford to buy High End equipment for my livestock. Sometime life deals people different hands to play.
I find myself having to get by with my DIY stuff. I try to keep it practical and sufficient for the job it needs to perform.
I am always looking for a good deal like NomercyMike had to offer. I would have liked to get one of his sumps, but being I am unemployed I cant even afford the gas to get there too pick it up. Maybe I could figure out how to build one cheaper!!