My 90gallon Build!!

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I am not sure you are capable of learning.
You stated you want ONLY THE BEST for your LIVESTOCK. So far you have only compromised that situation.
You stated you were going to figure out how to run two sumps together. Instead of actually doing any R&D on that you jumped right into the easiest, quickest way out. On top of that you did it with a sump design that is very insufficient, out right backward. Only because (IMO) you were in to much of a hurry to get more water volume hooked into your system.
I got more, shale I go on???
I am not sure you are capable of learning.
You stated you want ONLY THE BEST for your LIVESTOCK. So far you have only compromised that situation.
You stated you were going to figure out how to run two sumps together. Instead of actually doing any R&D on that you jumped right into the easiest, quickest way out. On top of that you did it with a sump design that is very insufficient, out right backward. Only because (IMO) you were in to much of a hurry to get more water volume hooked into your system.
I got more, shale I go on???
There was a no effecient way to run the two Sumps without a disaster or a fail system!!! And why would you say my setup is insuficient I need to kno so if it makes sense I can correct and move on to the next of your worries about my setup??? Please go on???? :)
When I said I couldn't find a good solution for the "Two sump" system I ment the way I have tanks positioned!! And I only move forward with this system because KPTROWSKY made a good point earlier in the thread!! So please explain what needs to be change, why it need to be changed and how can I fix it with the littler dot amount of $$$??? And when I said I only want what is best for my livestock I ment that because if I went with the "OLD PLAN" it may have failed and I could have lost all my livestock!!! So tell me how I wasn't choosing the best for my livestock!!! :)
How many times a day are you going to need to Top Off your return chamber to keep your skimmer running at the correct water height?
How long do you think your return pump will last with all the air it is going to suck in from the bubbles coming out of your skimmer?
Do you think the return pump sitting on the inn table beside your tank adds to the overall look of your tank when you view it from across the room?
Just let me know if you have learned anything yet.
I got more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many times a day are you going to need to Top Off your return chamber to keep your skimmer running at the correct water height?
How long do you think your return pump will last with all the air it is going to suck in from the bubbles coming out of your skimmer?
Do you think the return pump sitting on the inn table beside your tank adds to the overall look of your tank when you view it from across the room?
Just let me know if you have learned anything yet.
I got more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the skimmer the water will stay the same level like its doing now???? And as for the bubble situation there is little to no bubbles coming out of my skimmer and remember the only reason why I put the skimmer at the end of the sump is because it is way over rated for the system right now with little livestock???? And that end table isn't permanent (as I stated this sump build is "ALMOST" done??? I am building a Stan for it???? So I hope that answers your questions??? And I will post a vid of
What is the huge rush to get this sump on line? Is your barren tank going to crash?
Why didnt you take the time to run some tests? You could have raised the 55 up 6'' and built a siphon over flow tube from pcv parts for under $20. Then saved some money for the next 2-3weeks to afford drilling the 55 and adding an overflow. You could have done that in the first place.
Look I know your are excited and anxious to get this system up and running. We all want the best for our livestock. Most things that are done on an impulse in this hobby lead to undesirable results. Good Planing, research,and patients, go a long long way.
For the skimmer the water will stay the same level like its doing now???? And as for the bubble situation there is little to no bubbles coming out of my skimmer and remember the only reason why I put the skimmer at the end of the sump is because it is way over rated for the system right now with little livestock???? And that end table isn't permanent (as I stated this sump build is "ALMOST" done??? I am building a Stan for it???? So I hope that answers your questions??? And I will post a vid of
Is your return pump pulling water from the same section/chamber that the skimmer is sitting in? What chamber is your evaporation showing up in?
Do you hear or see what you are saying?? Your skimmer is overrated and is computerizing your livestock!!
You say your going to build a new stand? Have you not put the cart before the horse?? Why would you put an EXTRA sump on line, when in two weeks (or however long it takes to build a stand) then tear down that sump to reinstall it back into the stand?? I dont get it.
Ok I have a 100 gal setup with a 55gal sump/refugium. Mine goes drain to skimmer ,to rubble rock section, to macro section with three types of macro( one will work), then return pump. That works great......Beeeelllleivvvvve me. It works. And I think it's more than Rocket Science......................A rocket just has to get off the growned and a reef has to LIVE.
If you are wanting to run your high end over sized skimmer on this 90gal+ system. Set it up so you dont skim all the water that runs thru your sump.

Split your overflow pipe from your DT run one line to your fuge section at the far end of your sump, use a valve to regulate the amount of flow that runs to your fuge section. The other side of the split will run to your skimmer section. In the middle of your sump place a return pump section.

Skimmer>return< fuge

Now you are only skimming 1/2 the water in your tank.
With some research, and the correct questions asked you could have had this solution in a matter of hours.
Is your return pump pulling water from the same section/chamber that the skimmer is sitting in? What chamber is your evaporation showing up in?
Do you hear or see what you are saying?? Your skimmer is overrated and is computerizing your livestock!!
You say your going to build a new stand? Have you not put the cart before the horse?? Why would you put an EXTRA sump on line, when in two weeks (or however long it takes to build a stand) then tear down that sump to reinstall it back into the stand?? I dont get it.
Not a Full stand for system just the Stand for the pump!! Yes my return is pulling from my skimmer end (the reason why I am returning to the water from the skimmer is because of the fact that as the skimmer "skims it pushes water out which was skimmed and, "if I was going to put this skimmer in the first chamber" which god forbid everyone does, it would clean that water too good to where in the next chamber my pods or Bact. May not get enough food and dye off causing my system to crash????? Think about it that way????"and no sir I have ran a Berlin skimmer rated at 400gallons and a aqua euro USA so I've experimented with the whole skimmer thing here's pics of it!!!;-) this was my GHETTO DIY 125display 110g sump (actual water volume 75g)


Wow I'm sorry guys about not mentioning this but I do it this way because I use blocks for dosing!! It works for me I know the other way works too but I will keep posting on health of livestock!!! :) thanks for the honesty and I am going to change some things thanks to you guys!!! Diggin this site!!! Wow I'm here to stay I'm pumped!!! Whoooo!!!
Last update on 90g bow build!!

It just got set up and it skimming good its been two days since I've been skimming!!
So this skimmer the "ATI Bubble Master 250" I would really like to upgrade on the Pumps???? Any suggestions these pumps are a hassle to start and to make it harder they both must turn on at the same time!! But I got it last night at 2am in the morning now it's working good and I'm happy just wouldn't want these pumps to fail in the future!! So I minus well invest in a pair so when the old ones go out I can slap the new UPGRADED pumps on so I need help with what pump is best for this skimmer for maximum performance??? Thanks!!
Taken last night!! There is some bubbles in the chamber with return but not to where there is a lot going to the display an acceptable amount!!!

And yes I know the return is losing suction with the position the hose is in, but need to install a ball valve because the overflow is running too fast causing the overflow to gargle and I'm looking for quite!! And still need to tweek some things around and build a PUMP stand!! Thank you all for following!!! If there are any suggestions I am all EARS please be honest like Peppie, and Kptrowski, thanks your two for the honesty I'm learning!!... so shoot for it!!!
I am fond of the bubble blaster line of skimmer pumps
So I did a little research and reveiws for this specific pump and I think this is what I need??? Need help on this desition as I can only buy one pump at a time over a period of time!! Bubble Blaster HY-3000 Pump Price: $234.99So what do you think???
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