My anemone is white, this was sudden

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
Mornin' everyone,

I have a BTA (bubble tip anemone) that has only moved once. I have had it since Christmas. It has always been the color of xenia until a couple of days ago. I have 192 50/50 PC's and I just moved it closer to the lights. It is now 11 inches from the lights. It used to keep it's foot in the shade.

Despite everything I have read I think this BTA likes it's foot in the shade. I would love to hear comments. I do have the option of taking it back to Jeff's Exotic fish but not sure actually I am sure he would not want the rock. Could nitrates around 20ppm ok ok ok 40 ppm be stressing this guy out? Everything else in the tank is growing fast. The temp. is a little high...82F I have to take the canopy off and let gasses gexhange around 1 pm. Also I think one of my powerheads is putting out more heat because the room temp. is only 76F.

Thanks for you comments in advance
Have a Wonderful Day! :p
Gees I knew that was the answer.....darn. Will do thanks for the wake-up call.
YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS WORK THIS IS ...I HAVE TO oh sorry was yelling... take the Hang on skimmer off vacume thate do the same to the sump.... oh well anything for my animals :).
When you moved the anemone higher in the tank, did you acclimate it at all to the new location (lighting)? Also, is there a reason you don't want its foot in the shade? Are you feeding the anemone at all? If the anemone bleached out, then you'll have to provide it with more of a food source (like mysis) until it regains its zooxanthellae/symbiotic algae. Did you tank experience a sudden spike in temperature, or does the tank temperature normally go up to 82F?
Hi Nikki,

I did accclimate it slowly to the higher location in the tank and I have been feeding every three days a half a silverside and everyday a few mysis find their way into its tentacles. My tank unfortunatly runs this hot right now. I think the AquaClear and/or MJ1200 powerhead is heating things up.

I don't mind where the foot is I was thinking it would be beneficial for the animal to be receiving more light. My anemone doesn't seem that hungry lately. I was out of town for two weeks at the beginning of June and when I got home the "guy" ate three whole (rinsed in RODI and thawed) silversides. Someone was feeding the fish. So I am thinking he is just not so hungry. The foot is not bleached looking.
Thank you for your interest.
Well my anemone split. I know this can be caused by stress. So I am keeping an eye on them. They may have to go back to the store under metal halides but I hope not.
I dont think the heat is caused by the you have any type of ventelation for your lights. I have 3 400w MH on my tank and if it wasnt for all the exhaust fans, it would be 90 degrees everyday. Also, deffenently work on getting the nitrates down, that will make everyone happy.

good luck :)

ok, thanks balogh03. I hurt my rib a couple of weeks ago and just the thought of carrying all that water has my body hurting. Funny thing is right after I hurt my rib my husband had a bike accident (he's ok) and he hurt his the water change has been postponed till this weekend :).

Oh, P.S. I turned the powerheads off in the tank this morning and temp is down 1.5 degrees still hot but not frying anything at 80.5F.
Anemone update... still bleached. The two don't seemed to have fully formed mouths since they split and are still staying in the shade. They don't seem to be real keen on eating. The foot of each still looks brown and compact.

Do you all think I should leave them be for now or turn the rock over so they are receiving direct light. I have 192W 10k/03 pc's. This anemone from the beginning has not been a light seeker. Before it split it was eating great.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Or just comments :).
I have a bta in my tank under metal halide lighting high intensity and the bta would not stay out when the lights began staging on and reached full intensity.I have (2) 150w 20k that come on followed by (3) 250w 14k then (2)400w 10k it would retreat behind the rockwork as the brighter lights came on this went on for several weeks now it's out all day under the high beams and begins it's retreat when the staging down of the lights begin.I;m going to start feeding silversides this week i have been feeding clam pieces once weekly,maybe not enough considering yours was eating three meals weekly.
Maybe I will call you Tang13, your BTA has'nt quite settled in probably after you get your water parameters stable and healthy it will recover and you can share some pics I will do the same when I get more computer/digital cam updated.(I also was born in the district and live in the suburbs Clinton,MD )nice meeting you how's CA. treating you?