My choices for macro lenses

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so i went in to test the sigma 105mm and the tamron 90mm at kit's camera and talls camera in bell square, neither had the tamron 90mm in stock, and didn't think it was coming back, they thought maybe there's going to be a new version and the sigma 105mm i talked to a guy working at tall's and he said that sigma doesn't partner with nikon (or whatever company the lens is for) and so if i upgrade my camera something might not work cause they developed the lens on their own. after reading all the reviews i have i think it pretty much comes down to which one feels better in terms of like focusing and such cause they are pretty much equal in all respects
so i went ahead and ordered the tamron 90mm macro from here for $380 with shipping;...tofocus+Lens+for+Nikon+AF-D+=28TA90F28DINI=29
i'll post pictures after i get it
reasons over sigma
1 more Diaphragm Blade so that's supposed to make the image sharper
6 year warrenty because it is manufactured in the USA compared to 4
the Company Tamron partners with Nikon to have the technology to make the lens for the mount, rather than independently making the technology like Sigma, according to the tall's camera guy if i upgrade my mount some things might not work on the sigma then
All in all they are really similar lenses, both with really good reviews