Thanks! I found two blood stars on my last trip up there. They live in the lowest areas during low tide. I also found a brittle star but he didn't make it
I guess I will have to look a little shallower. At normal dive depths I only see large reds. I had one in the tank for quite a while, but he kept winding up in the large anemone. It wouldn't eat him, but it pissed them both off...
I've not tried to keep brittle stars, Hmmmmm I think I will grab a few next weekend and see how they do.
Gunnel is correct!
Thanks, he has been with me since the begininng. He was about 3 inches long when I caught him under a rock. Now he is more than a foot long and very round in the middle. His tail is even prettier, but he almost never swims out of his den.
I saw a BRIGHT red gunnel a few weeks back swimming mid-water, but I had nothing with me to put him in, and I didn't want to swim back to the boat. I wish I had now
Yeah, i should make a thread of my own instead of hijacking yours ;-)
Naww it is fine lol. While I was up at my cabin I caught and released and Bay Pipefish! That was pretty awesome. I also saw, but was not able to catch a neon green gunnel. Greener than eel grass. Insane green haha.