My Coldwater Tank

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I guess I will have to look a little shallower. At normal dive depths I only see large reds. I had one in the tank for quite a while, but he kept winding up in the large anemone. It wouldn't eat him, but it pissed them both off...
I've not tried to keep brittle stars, Hmmmmm I think I will grab a few next weekend and see how they do.
Good luck! They seem a little more sensative but they are sure neat. If you find any extras let me know haha.

I need more anemones in this tank lol.
Some phone snaps from Tuesday.


Well, when you are gonna be out this way, let me know what you want and I'll see what I can do :)

I dunno, probably in late august sometime haha. I will let you know though.

You need to take more pics of your stuff!
Gunnel is correct!
Thanks, he has been with me since the begininng. He was about 3 inches long when I caught him under a rock. Now he is more than a foot long and very round in the middle. His tail is even prettier, but he almost never swims out of his den.
I saw a BRIGHT red gunnel a few weeks back swimming mid-water, but I had nothing with me to put him in, and I didn't want to swim back to the boat. I wish I had now :)
Yeah, i should make a thread of my own instead of hijacking yours ;-)
Naww it is fine lol. While I was up at my cabin I caught and released and Bay Pipefish! That was pretty awesome. I also saw, but was not able to catch a neon green gunnel. Greener than eel grass. Insane green haha.
looking great, mine is going to be broken down here need something smaller. also dont get snail, most eat your barnacles.
Your tank is looking awesome still Jacob. How is the heat affecting sweating? I didn't read the whole thread as I have seen most on NR.
Yea I discovered that a little too late. Most barnacles seem hard to keep anyway though.

Thanks! I have yet to have this tank sweat, then again I keep my room at 69 degrees year round. Yup I am still on NR too haha :D