My Duncans are dying plz help =(

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IO? Do u mean RO...i use ro/di...
no ato...
k well ill start testing my cal, alk...every couple days.
Ive got cal mag...guess i need some baking soda too!
I need to buy a mag test! Ive got books...i dont think they say much on dosing though!
On a 36 gal how BIG of a w/c are u talking? I usually do about 5gal.
If i do constant scheduled w/c' wont be enough to sustain it?!?!

sound like a good start? Any more tips are appreciated!

IO is instant ocean salt. Every salt has its own chemisty. You need to find the chemistry of your salt what ever it is you use. Water changes with balanced water will usually be plenty at first but as your tank establishes you will have to dose. You may even have to dose large amount daily at some point in time after your tank starts growing. No water changes will never keep up with a fully established reef unless its empty or you change 100% every day. Its time to start learning what your tank needs. The more it grows the more you need to do so now is the time. Test your CA ALK and MG on your water change water, use the calculator to get it in balance. Test your tank and do the same. Pick a good balanced set of numbers for CA and MG to balance with your desired alk. Dose every day if need be to keep the tank at those numbers.

K well i use oceanic natural sea salt!
I will test the water before i do the doing a water change today!
So ur saying i may need to add some chemicals to the water before the change....this would be better than adding it to the tank correct?
Not sure wat ive got cuz im at work now but i know ive got seachem cal and mag together in one bottle both liquid and dry...

a good balance is like
alk 8-10
cal 360-420
mag 1200-1400
Just double checkin....THXS don ur full of info!