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i got 5lbs from reef mystique and 6lbs from guy off RF
had crabs had aptasia

the rock in my hand had 12 heads+ of apthasia the other rock came from same tank and no signs at all.
Hey DJ, do you or Matt have a QT setup? I don't have anything in mine at the momment if you want to toss the rocks in there and keep an eye on them for a bit that would be fine. At least they wont reach your pretty new rocks that way :)
What did Adam say about the coraline?
Sweet! Next trip south we will hit you up!
Thanks Adam, I need me some of that killer purple goodness.
No you don't you just think you do trust me,
when your scraping it off the front glass you'll be cussing me out :)
ill be cruisin down saturday to check out your tank adam cant wait
yah i put it in my tank already. the big piece i do not c anything on it today i will check again tonight but...i think its too late to take out of it too late has the tank probaly got the contamination?... pulled out the small piece because it was covered
Who can say for sure? If you can avoid the problem you will be much happier!
Why risk it? Toss it in QT!
You will grow coraline WAY faster from Adam's scrapings than seeding from that rock in any case.
If you head to Adam's tomorrow will you bring some purple goodness up for me as well?
trying to decide what type of macro algae to use in refuge? i just read a thread that said to put a 3/4" piece of glass the length of refuge glue just below the water level from where your water input is and that will create the water to tumble?
This can be achieved or enhanced by sealing a small lip of glass or acrylic 5-8 cm wide just below the water surface (the length of the aquarium side wall) where the refugiums feed water jets into the tank. Thus, the incoming water is diffused along that slightly submerged lip and is forced to shoot across the tank surface, rather than at a deeper angle underneath. This causes a circular/rolling current of water (like an eddy in a swimming pool) to flow across the top of the tank, down the far side-wall and underneath across the bottom before coming back up again.
i switched the aga megaflow to the herbie style(1"drain with gate valve, and 3/4 emerg. ran new 3/'4 return line up back of tank........dead silent you can only hear the pump huming ALL YOU AGA MEGAFLOW USERS SWITCH IF YOU WANT IT DEAD QUITE

just wanna give a update on the tank some new additions to the tank some 7 chroomis 2 oc. clowns 25 snails 1 sand sifting star. nashe goby and red shrimp
more got some skim now and my 100$ of rock (in the QT)i wont use in my DT lol half price if anyone wants it
Calcium reactor

so i just picked up a swc dual chamber calcium reactor....yippie. i was curious what pump do you use to feed the reactor(the reactor itself has a pump but was told by swc use a feed pump..i have built a add. box for my reactor to sit in (37 length 42 tall 19 deep) i will be putting the reactor and co2 bottle in a 20L tank in the stand and a QT on top of stand. i want to have the box about 9' of total line(from sump to reactor).....plan to control reactor with apex control. as well as have a milwakee in tank for ph as well.