My fish died

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
I didn't realize that I'm suppose to dilute the Calcium Magnesium before i put it into my fish tank. I lost a Blue Tang, a bicolored Blenny and a clown fish. Super bummed and it's right before Christmas.
What form were you using for the most part you dont really dilute it prior to use. You would have to do something severe to kill a fish with CS or MG.

:( I'm so sorry. I lost two fishies on Monday. Six line wrasse and a brown tang. Stupid stupid mistake.. cleaned out the tank and decided to rearrange rocks. Have a thick sandbed and it just let too much crap into the water. :'(

Starting to wonder why I got into this hobby. It's heartbreaking and super stressful to worry about these fish!
Thats why you should start up slow and wait to put anything expensive in while you figure things out. I wouldn't put in a fish worth more than 10-15 bucks for 4 to 6 months while you figure things out.

I'd wait at least a year before I started adding expensive things like a brown tang.

Sorry you lost fish though. I guess if you learned something from it, it wasn't a total loss >.<

I usually resuspend ca/mg supplement powders in RO/DI water and then slowly add it in over an hour or two. Does seem weird that it would have killed the fish though. I'd think that if you just added the powder to salt water, it would not solubilize well and just sink to the bottom and slowly go into solution over time...
Thats why you should start up slow and wait to put anything expensive in while you figure things out. I wouldn't put in a fish worth more than 10-15 bucks for 4 to 6 months while you figure things out.

I have had my tank for over three years now.
Very sorry to hear....but at least now you can get yourself a nice Christmas present with new fish...:oops:
Maybe the fish ate some of the calcium magnesium that you put in with out diluted. Really sorry to hear about you fish.
Sounds like you added to much to fast and dropped the oxygen levels in the water and they suffocated. This is a nano right?

Even with the little biocube You would have to do something really severe to have CA dose kill fish. The dose is proportionate to the tank size. Unless it was an extreme overdose. An average dose of concentrated CA or Mg isn't going to hurt.
