My Fish "Wish" list

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Becky What kind of Clams are you thinking of getting? I will add that My Leopards will swim up and move down the sides of the clams looking for little things to eat :) Now if they could only eat them protozoan Virusus

Beckmola24 said:
Here is The Current list I've been working on.... I am going to buy a large enough skimmer to accompany a higher bio-load, but this really isn't too high because most of the fish listed only grow to 3 or 4 inches. Do y'all think a yellow tang would go with these guys?

Some species of Fairy Wrasse (can't decide) maybe the Yellowstreak Fairy Wrasse-Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus OR Labout's Fairy Wrasse -Cirrhilabrus laboutei...
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse -Paracheilinus carpenteri
Mystery Wrasse -Psuedochellinus ocellatus
Bartlett's Anthias (3) - Pseudanthias bartlettorum
True Percula Clownfish (pair) -Amphiprion percula
Blue Tang -Paracanthurus hepatus
Swissguard Basslet -Liopropoma rubre
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse -Macropharyngodon bipartits

I've decided to hold off on the copperband becasue I want to keep clams.
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I'm not sure what type of clams I will get, but I do really like the maximas and deresas on Clams direct. I love some of the colors of the clams! I do really want to get a Leopard wrasse... :) I already talked to the owner of my LFS and she said I can pick it up the day it comes in to avoid 2 acclimations in a short amount of time. If I have to do without something I may just forget the Anthias, but I'll see... It really depends on what type of skimmer I wind up going with...IF i decide against the anthias, I've always had my eye on the purple tangs. My lfs gets them when they're really small maybe 2" or so. If I added it towards the end do y'all think it would be ok?
Which do you want more, the purple or the blue? I would not suggest getting the Leopard wrasse the day it ships. Wait to see if its eating first. Becky, those are delicate fish...I would seriously suggest avoiding them in this tank.

Nick, I really want the blue tang. :) I've wanted one sice I started the hobby. The blue I'd be getting would be 1"-2" to avoid immediate agression. I will put the tang into quarantine for at least a month and a half to make sure I don't introduce immediate ich into the system. I will be running a UV sterilizer on the system to help the tang and some of the other ich suceptible fish.

I've been talking to Jeff (the apprentice) about his Leopards and he had one die during a long transfer drive and a few acclimation problems, but the 2 or 3? (can't remember) that he has eat mysis and are doing fine from what he tells me. Jeff mentioned that the acclimation process is what's very stressful for these fish and they can hide for up to a week before coming out of the sand. That's why it would be good to get these fish before going into the store because the lfs don't have the right conditions to ease the stress of these animals.... The problem is that they bury themselves in sand when frightened and the shipping bags used for their transport don't have any sand. The Leopards try to dive into the bottom of the bag to hide in the sand which they think should be there and can damage their mouths, (aka the inital eating problems) but I know for a fact that my lfs won't order a fish that won't ship overnite. She is VERY specific on who she gets her fish from and where they're coming from. I've grilled her a lot on who and where she gets her fish. Jeff also mentioned that his Leopards watched his Bi-color Blenny eat mysis and the Leopards began to mimmick the blenny's eating habits which is how he got them to eat mysis and other things to quickly. I think the Leopards are such beautiful fish and would be able to add an interesting variety to my tank. Thought everyone might like to know some more info about these guys :)
Hey Becky, I'm not saying you cant keep leopard's ever... I'm just suggesting you wait until you have more experiance under your belt. As far as the tangs go...the reason I asked which you want more is because you really dont have enough room in your 90 gallon for two tangs that both hit 10 inches in length and move constantly.

I'm glad your LFS is so particular about who they order from, that indicates that she is committed to providing healthy animals to her customers...

Nick, I know you weren't saying don't get Leopards ever ;) I always take your advice into consideration since you've been really helpful to me in the past and continue to be ;) I just though some people might like to know a little more about Leopard Wrasses. :) Does anyone have any behavioral information they could share with me about Flasher and Fairy Wrasses? I've found a lot of info concerning diet and husbandry, but not a lot about behavior. I think I rember reading somewhere that Flashers can be kept in groups which encourages the flashing behavior??
The two fairies I had were very peaceful & similar in activity as my six line, just don't try to mix like species together, one will eventually make the other Jump, they are jumpers, I lost them that way. BTW, Nick is a very knowledgeable fish person, even if not with your exact species what he saying is true & trying to prevent problems for you.
Luckily I have a completely enclosed tank so I don't have to worry about jumpers :) Maybe people here could mention what fish they have and any fish they've had problems with so future reefers could know what to expect from them?? By reading posts like those (with fish info) I've ruled out a few fish that could've possibly done harm to my future corals. :shock:
any fish they've had problems with so future reefers could know what to expect from them??

:evil: Bicolor Blenny......loved the taste of SPS, and I'm sure if I had clams in the tank at the time.....he would have liked those, too.
I would add lawnmower blennies ot the list of fish to avoid as well. I had one that ate, (Which is rare enough) and it wound up getting territorial, killing a fish in my tank, and then began nipping at my clams.

He had to leave in a hurry.

maxx said:
I would add lawnmower blennies ot the list of fish to avoid as well. I had one that ate, (Which is rare enough) and it wound up getting territorial, killing a fish in my tank, and then began nipping at my clams.

He had to leave in a hurry.


Wow, I have never had a problem with mine. He is sweet and keeps to himself. All he eats is the algae that grows on the back of the tank and around the power heads.
I think Blennies are iffy... Some are good some are bad. My bi-color blenny nipped at my orange monti and I'm afraid he will nip at other corals if I add him to my new tank. I am not willing to take the chance that he'll nip at some rare frag. He will be staying in his 12gallon where he is happy as a lark on his Blenny rock :)
Other fish to be cautious with are dottybacks. I had one that would take HUGE chunks out of my damsel. And that leads to another fish to use caution with... Damsels... There was a specific thread about them, and I completely agree. I had bigtime issues with the little damsel I bought (Until I put him with the dotty :))
Just be careful not to put peaceful fish with agressive fish... It is good to research behavioral habits in fish before purchasing them. There were several times where I could've saved myself a lot of hassle if I had just said "no" to buying one more cute fish. What I should've done is gone back home to do some research before purchasing a tank terror ;) JMO