My fun morning

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
I woke up today to hear a funny sucking noise under my stand.
So I looked into the stand and I see my 29 tanks sump really low on water and the return pump was sucking air.
So I quickly looked in to ATO 5 gallon container to see it was empty. . I look up and down really quick to see 5 gallons of water in the bottom of my stand. And the also looked quickly at the ATO hoses to see if one got knocked out of one of the sumps and the were fine..
So I shook the ATO bucket and the ATO or the 29 started pushing a touch of what water was left in the container and all of a sudden I feel a shower of water dumping on my back and head.. What the heck was going on????
So I quickly unplugged the ATO for the 29. And stood up to see water flooding from the top of my tank..
I opened the hood quickly and grabbed the screen off the top of the overflow and stuck my finger in the top and the water stared dropping in the tank and the overflow started working again..
I believe there was a snail in there. (how I dont know when the screen was on it)

SO I had to grab the shop vac and start to suck water out of the stand and a handful of towels to wipe up the water on the stand and from behind the tank.
I realize the water was around by dual 250w EL ballast.
I still need to take that out and make sure no water got inside it.

On a final note to self
I need to have Matt make me a new tank ASAP so I can have a dual overflow.
Its been along time..............showers on the back of your head while on your hands and knees really really suck.

Hope everything is still OK.
Everything is fine no adverse reactions from anything
Salenity is still good all live stock good..
Except ME. I'm wet, tiered and hungry.. (and I want my mommy. LOL) :)
Glad things are OK Adam.

I've always been a advocate of dual overflows for just about any sized tank.
it must have been a bad day for tanks lastnight/this morning! at 9 pm lastnight my sump had an extra 10 gal in it, overflowing my protien skimmer, my ph level in the tank droped to 7.8 and my yellow tang was laying sideways on the bottom breathing hard! Nightmare
Yes it was a bad night for tank's.

My auto top off decided it was going to pump extra water into my sump when I was feeding corals and the return was off (a Tunze and It has NEVER done this before it would default to turning off a pump when it got slightly calcified previously ???).

I heard a funny noise and the skimmer had foam all over and a few gallons on the floor/sump etc. I cleaned it up but the water level was too high and there was waste water that overflowed into the sump and pumped back into the tank.

After a few hours I got things settled.

Just one of the JOY'S of Reefing!!!

Did I mention this was between midnight and three a.m.

I guess I am Lucky I was around to notice this happening and all is ok, but what a pain.


Ouch! Similar thing happened to me yesterday morning power went off on the block! I forgot to unplug the stupid skimmer! I go to the mini mart down the street come back 3 gallons of water inside stand i was so pssst! The thing im worried about is the stand becoming weak and unstable & warping!
Me to my ballast got wet have to over night one wow thought it was jest me
I had a hermit crab crawl into my overflow once.. the water flowed directly onto the power distribution... fireworks! At the end of it, I lost a power strip, and had several gallons of water on the .. upstairs floor.. dripping into the living room.
I just broke the impeller on my return pump and now i cant run my skimmer tell me impeller gets here. i bet its carma getting at us for the good deals we got at the BRA sale lol
Well I do actually have water damage under the paint on the bar!
The stand got so saturated with water So No I have to resand and paint and poly after it dries>>>>>:mad: :(
Adam........................when you get to refinishing stuff underneath, turn the skimmer off so it doesn't pick up the fumes from the poly!!!!! They are very toxic and this comes from someone who may have killed a 300 sps tank by painting the upstairs without proper ventilation
Adam........................when you get to refinishing stuff underneath, turn the skimmer off so it doesn't pick up the fumes from the poly!!!!! They are very toxic and this comes from someone who may have killed a 300 sps tank by painting the upstairs without proper ventilation

I had a similar Boo Boo with fumes, keep them away from your tank, don't chance it.