MY NEW 240 up and running 3 months

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I removed most of the rock to get rid of all other unwanted pests that I had picked up over the years before putting up this 240(most is in fresh h20), any aptasia, predatory stars over taking sponges and I am sure there is more. also I removed all of the sand as I learned I did not really like the way it looked, so all in all I learned that it was not the way I wanted and I wish I would have been able to see this before I set it up but I guess sometimes you have to see it to know. I just thought I would take care of all of the problems at once the ICH the pests and the sand I hope I like it when it is all done. It is my final upgrade so I might as well do my masterpiece right.
I plan on takeing out all of the live rock and scrubbing it off and rinsing is good and then laying it out damp for a day or so and then starting it back over in salt to start to cure, after it is mostly cured I will do a complete water change and put some of my still live pest free rock back into the holding can to get the rock started again. this will all happen over the next month and 1/2 I have killed live rock with this process in 2 weeks before with no ill effects and had it back in the tank.
Andy, awesome looking photos there!

I'm sorry about the setback. Tanks are always works in progress for me, too....some bad days, some good days.

Sometimes we forget how resilient those corals are, though. They will pull through, and I hope your fishes are doing ok in QT.

I have lost a few fish so far but 19 out of 22 living isnt bad. I still have my breeding clowns and the single one I picked up from you and his mate I picked up a while later are all looking good. only one fish showing any sign of ich still is my firefish and he seems to be getting better. I know its always a work in progress.