My New camera!!

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Oh sorry the camera that bigT recomeneded. I need a good one. Mine is too blurry. I mean it gets the job done but i would like a better one.
My fiance has a real nice camera but its not digital so i can see how the shot turned out until i get the film developed.
yeah my gf had a digital but it runs on regular batteries not rechargables so you have about 15min to do. another prob is that i have trouble getting my colors to look right when i take pics think this is the quality of the camera or do you think i am maybe not using the right feature. And is there a special feature you set yours on to get the best pics possible
My point and shoot isn't cutting it. I'm glad you posted. I'm looking at SLR's. Used to do alot of SLR stuff with regular film in high school.

You have a black frame around them, did you photoshop them? How much tweeking was necessary in photoshop if you did?

The first pictures seemed to have some depth of field problems. Might play with your f-stops. If your taking pictures of a single polyp then blurring the background is okay, maybe even desirable, but when the picture looks like your trying to show the whole colony, having the foreground in focus and the background polyps a little blurry looks like you messed up. Just my opinion.

the only thing I did was crop these photo's in microsoft paint. takes about 30 seconds each pic. I am looking into getting some photo editing software so I can do more. I have not messed with the color or anything in these photo's.
I dont think it is at all possible to get pictures like this with a point and shoot digital camera. Like I said I have a lot of practice to do so I am still very Novice with this camera but it was a great investment I would say...

A few more attempts with a new lens Which I may take back it was $429.00 and I dont know if it is worth it or not. the lens is a 60mm f/2.8D AF micro
please give some input if you think this is a good lens keep in mind I am a Novice!


Well its deffinately good at close ups. I don't know if its worth $429 though. Hey did u get a chance to see the new pics i finally posted?
Thanks krish.
I am not totaly satisfied with my pictures yet the lionfish eye was good but I am still struggling some what with geting a good picture of the imperator and those hefrichi's they move to fast! I am going to some camera classes and surely will learn some thing from them..

Thanks Dang! I have taken over 2,000 pictures with the camera already I think I am learning some tricks, today I took my wife to the garden at point defience and took lots of macro's of flowers I guess that is one way to enjy a garden for a guy huh? I dont think I need to post a bunch of pictures of flowers on this forum though:D

Well I am taking that 60mm f2.8 micro lens beack I have my 105mm f2.8 micro on the way this should be a much better lens. I will post pictures as soon as I get the lens and start shootin with it....
