my new zoas:)

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he didnt get satisfied bad mouthing me in pms now he started out in public...i cant blame him because he wanted people to know he is a nice guy and all that...i ended my argument with him in the pm and thought it was th end...but he wont stop and started on this thread...what hurts me more is being racist and all that...this guy has really some think that im a respect at all..and sory if i made comments that are not appropriate i am just really upset....
Ignor him
If you feel your right about your stuff than thats all that matters..

If he feels he's right thats all that should matter to him...

This is getting very out of control over 40$

In 5 years will any of this matter at all.

People who know the true you and yourself is what matters..

Guys this is a family board..
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now your racist...cmon dont show your true colors...
quit smoking that hashish. and you'll realize what you been saying.
sure come to puyallup and get them anytime any day. now i will get a healthy nice colored up rainbow paly soon. so i dont feel bad.
oh yeah, your nuc greens are smaller than the baby purple deaths that i got from barrier.
i'm not too excited bout your zoas, feel free to get them any time the sooner the better and make sure you bring 40 bucks and the mohawks(hope they are still healthy).
how bout today or tomorrow. or better yet i'll do you a favor and you let me know when you are gonna come.

This is all quite unnecessary. I am not very happy after reading this thread. In fact, I am upset that these posts have not been deleted yet. Niles' tank is one of the most beautiful tanks that i have ever seen. His prices are extremely reasonable and he is one of the nicest guys around. I'm actually proud to display his frags in my tank! Slandering someone in a public forum can only get you in legal trouble. If the mods don't delete these posts, they can be held liable as well. I would watch what you type.

As hobbyists we are here to support each other. If you can't understand that, then maybe you are in the wrong hobby. We are not doing it for the "name brands" or "designer" coral. If you like the way they look, then they are worth whatever you are willing to pay for it. If you do not like the way they look or how much someone is charging for them, then don't buy it. We all invite each other into our homes even though we are actually complete strangers because of our common hobby. We must all show respect to each other and be civilized. That's my 2 cents. This hobby is supposed to be fun. That's why we do it. I'm done with this thread now.
"We are not doing it for the "name brands" or "designer" coral. If you like the way they look, then they are worth whatever you are willing to pay for it. If you do not like the way they look or how much someone is charging for them, then don't buy it. We all invite each other into our homes even though we are actually complete strangers because of our common hobby. We must all show respect to each other and be civilized. That's my 2 cents. This hobby is supposed to be fun. That's why we do it. I'm done with this thread now. "

Well said
well im good now..he said he will get his zoas back coz he said I DONT DESERVE his high end zoas so i hope he just calls me after reading this...
thats why we should get what we paid for and i didnt get it..yes his tank is nice no doubt but no one knows what ive got and been through with this guy...and to you admiralduke i was hoping to meet u,and i wish i did that way you can meet me too before you commented on this nothing against u.
"We are not doing it for the "name brands" or "designer" coral. If you like the way they look, then they are worth whatever you are willing to pay for it. If you do not like the way they look or how much someone is charging for them, then don't buy it. We all invite each other into our homes even though we are actually complete strangers because of our common hobby. We must all show respect to each other and be civilized. That's my 2 cents. This hobby is supposed to be fun. That's why we do it. I'm done with this thread now. "

Well said

name brands and designer corals are important in this hobby thats why people spends lots of money on this...i remember you before,isnt it you that bought a rainbow acan and found out they were not?im sure you got upset and felt cheated...i hope people will see my not saying im just a buyer...
just trying to calm the storm here..
Everyone should calm down
Take a step back....
My acan problem didn't come to this kind of language..
It was dealt with like adults!
name brands and designer corals are important in this hobby thats why people spends lots of money on this...i remember you before,isnt it you that bought a rainbow acan and found out they were not?im sure you got upset and felt cheated...i hope people will see my not saying im just a buyer...

They are only important if you make them important. They are only expensive if you are willing to pay the high price for them. I am not interested in spending more to get the name.

No. that was not me. I don't buy acans. And, if it was me, I wouldn't slander someone on the forum. It is not very nice and you will alienate people from inviting you to their home. We all put a lot of work into our tanks and for someone to rip on it is uncalled for. As a buyer, you make the decision on how you spend your money. You don't let someone else dictate what you do with your money. That's what you learn as an adult. As a buyer, if you don't like it, don't buy it. You won't ever feel cheated or get upset. If you do buy it, then you have only yourself to blame. Simple.
just trying to calm the storm here..
Everyone should calm down
Take a step back....
My acan problem didn't come to this kind of language..
It was dealt with like adults!

because probably youve been taken care harsh language and upsetting me it was a bad experience....
GUYS.. Can everyone stop commenting now... This is getting out of hand.. The only way for it to stop is to not say anything and let it cool down a bit... I know some of you are trying to diffuse the situation but it wouldnt help if you're commenting against one party.. So please lets just stay neutral for now and put out the flame and end this argument...