I agree with T. Something happened to that one stalk. The rest look fine so I would not worry about it. Tonight after lights out you may want to do a little night surfing with a red light and see who's getting to it. It could either be the ric or another soft coral.
Just leave that stalk for now and see what happens.
Thanks Frankie, I think I will watch it during lights out the next couple of nights as you said. I have been wanting to thin that section out some and put some of it in my fuge.
I have the same thing going on with a candy cane coral that I have had for over a year and it has trippled in size durring that time, anybody have any ideas?
My pom pom got stung by a too close ric. in the pic above.
You may get better help if you post a pic and a question on a new thread. This thread is kinda old. Use Candy Cane in the title.
Good luck.