My Poor Car

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Jun 26, 2003
Mukilteo, WA
This is what I get for going on a golf outing instead of an aquarium outing ...

I got hit by an uninsured motorist making a fast left into a parking lot. I just happened to be in his way :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

i can sympathize with ya. my jeep was broken into the other night while it was in our secure parking garage. they destroyed the lock on the drivers door and used a screwdriver to try to get the ignition to turn over. ugh! what a mess.....they even used my own antennae to help in the heist. i wished they would've just stolen it instead of destroy it. now i have to call the insurance company and get all that taken care of tomorrow.
Wow Chuck....Sorry about the VW damage. A-Hole Loosers will always be just that.:evil: No insurance, No licence. Consider yourself lucky he wasn't DUI. Might have been you going to the hospital. Anyway..........
Nice tank update pics.:cool: I will be ready for live rock soon. Can we all say Frags! LOL:lol: Take Care, Scott
I consider myself lucky that no one was hurt. Could have easily have been worse. I just hope my insurance company treats me right by it all. I hate that you can drive around without insurance against your car. I hope it gets remedied.
well it's kinda hard to make people carry insurance 100% of the time. in Texas whenever you get your Drivers License renewed or get new Tabs for your car you have to prove that you have current insurance. That's all good and shows that you have insurance at that time but alot of people would just get insurance for a day or two so they could get their tabs/license plates and DL. pretty crappy that you can do that......also the fines for driving without insurance were pretty high but i thought they should've been alot higher.

In the US I just don't think fines for traffic violations are high enough. Look at Germany for example.....if you flip someone off or give them an obscene gesture the fine can be 1500.00 - 2000.00 or more. driving in the passing lane on the autobahn is a fine of 2500.00.
Oh man, Chuck! Sorry about the car, but I'm glad to know you are alright. Figures the person was uninsured. I hope the repairs go well, and the car looks as good as new.
Sorry to hear about your car. But the other guy does not own his car anymore according to Washington State Law. The car will be reprocessed and person fined. So you did someone else a favor. I just hope you are ok.
Shoulda gone to the Tri-Cities. Kidding Chuck. That's a drag man. I really hate that people can get away with driving without insurance and the rest of us responsible people have to pay for it by carrying uninsured motorist insurace. It's rediculous, but reality.
I agree w/ Reed, that is ridiculous. If you can not afford insurance do us all a favor and don't drive! Sorry about your car Chuck, who do you have insurance with?

Sorry Chuck. I'm glad you walked away fine and the idiot wasn't driving faster. Those side impacts are scary. You might need to sue them for your insurance deductible but I imagine your insurance will take care of everything else.
Can you claim that you were carrying 4 boxes full of cherry picked corals that you'd just picked up from the airport? That'd be about $200-$350 a box rightttttttttttt?

Due the the sudden impact you lost them all? heh heh "gosh these warm temperatures and all."

I'd love to see the look on your insurance agents face as you were claiming $1000 of live coral loss........
The whole reason poor guys like me have to pay so damn much for insurance is because of people who make all these bs false claims. I only have insurance because of just in case I total my truck I won't be out all that. It pisses me off that it costs 2500 a year to do it. Sorry for that little rant, insurance really pisses me off. Especially in Pierce county
Rant eyes were openned after talking to my insurance agent about the same thing......we're all screwed when it comes to insurance, and its NOT about false claims.......even insurance companies want to make money, they INVEST the "held" portions of your annual payment, and if they're not getting the returns they want (8%-10% who knows) then thats when they jack up your rates.

Just like after you DO file a take funds out of the financial pool, and trust you-n-me they're going to want to take/make the money back.

I guess Meth houses are the latest craze to blaze.

Step 1. Buy old rat infested house worth nothing, ala 60K.
Step 2. Rent it out to scum people.
Step 3. Ooops, it burnt down.
Step 4. Insurance builds and buys new house.
Step 5 New house sells worth $200K.

Talk to your insurance agent for more ugly truths.
I work for an insurance company. I would have to say Washington is very relaxed when it comes to our insurance enforcement. In that state of NY you get fined 8 dollars a day for every day the DMV finds that you don't have a vehicle insured. In addition you have to have a scannable bar coded ID card to prove that you have insurance with a real company. Plus you can't just call to remove a car from insurance. You have to have an FS-6 form from the DMV to remove a car from your policy. I can also tell you that insurance companies take that money you give and invest it. Once a policy is issued the insurance company is held liable until the statute of limitations in that particular state runs out. Thats why black mold and asbestos is such a big deal. I agree with rates but I have seen 15,000 dollar a year auto policies. Uninsured motorists are a big pain in the neck but so are outrageous settlements. Best of luck.
Thanks guys. I am insured by PEMCO .... They are taking care of me. $100 deductable. I will get that if they get the money out of that kid. So far the estimate is $3700 but it will likely be around $4500 probably by the time it is all said and done ... What a PITA if you ask me :)