My pregnancy and ultrasound

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
Mead, WA
So I had my ultrasound today, I'm currently 17 weeks 3 days pregnant with a baby girl. All looks good with the baby, but my doc suspects that I have placenta accreta because the placenta is attached over my previous c-section incision. I have another ultrasound to check the placenta in four weeks. I'm praying that I don't have this, if I do, I was told I'd have to have a full hysterectomy and the risk of placenta accreta and it's treatment (cesarean hysterectomy) is hemorrhaging and it can be fatal to the mom. So I would appreciate and am looking for all the prayers I can get.

Here's some info on placenta accreta:

Here's my ultrasound videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:
Good luck Brandy!!!! This explains why the break from the hobby. Hope everything goes well for you and the family!!
Totally understand your feeling since my wife is at her 19th week. Wish you my best wishes and hope things turn out good for you. Keep us posted.
Brandy, Angie, I and the rest of the family will have you in our thoughts and prayers!!!

From the reading you've supplied us, it does sound like the best treatments require quick diagnosis, which is usually the problem, lack of diagnosis. Sounds like you're at least ahead of that curve, by being diagnosed early, rather than during birth!!
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We'll add you to our thoughts and prayers. Good luck, lets hope in four weeks they tell you some good news.

Its hard and so scary when they tell you news like that, about your baby and or complications with your pregnancy.
Try to take it one day at a time and hang in there best you can.

Like mentioned.. it sounds like they are ahead of the game, in knowing the possible complications, so they can be prepared. That is huge and adds a lot of hope I think.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers guys. I'm trying to stay positive. This is our last baby anyway.
Well I had an ultrasound last Wednesday and saw a specialist. The specialist said she doesn't see why my ob is concerned about placenta accreta as the placenta is not over my previous c-section scar. I have another scan on Jan 18th to check again and make sure, but she said it should be even further away by then, so that was good news. Now I just have to see what my doc says...

Have faith in the Lord and everything will be fine, My wife was 8 weeks pregnant and had pains and bleeding and we went to the ER and the docter did blood tests and said she had a miscarage and we said are you sure he replied yes 100% possitive, he even went on to prescribe narcotic pain killers for my wifes pain. we went home and prayed all night and the next day at church had the elders all pray for us and one week later went in the the DR and did new blood tests and she was still very much pregnant and now we have a beautifull baby boy!

I know that this is a different situation then yours but my point is that our faith in the Lord and our prayer gave us a miracle!

I will be praying for you!!!

Thanks guys. I'm sure the baby will be fine. I'm just anxious about the delivery. I'm not a big fan of surgery.
I had my last (30 week) ultrasound today and the docs are no longer worried about placenta accreta, yay! Everything looks good and I'm going to attempt a VBAC instead of a Cesarean. I pray that works out.

Our little girl is measuring 3 lbs. 14 oz. and is 16" long. She even has hair already. Her name is going to be Kailyn Constance Vaughn. I'm finally to a point that I can feel excited instead of worried about this pregnancy and the birth of our baby. Thanks everyone! :)

Here's a few of today's ultrasound pics...
Thanks :D I'm sure she'll look a lot cuter than the ultrasound pics though... They make her look like she's got a huge nose.

As long as she looks more like you than Mike, she'll be just fine!! J/K Mike....maybe.... :eek:

Brandy, I'm really glad that there's no longer a concern about your daughter's well being!! Are you "glowing" yet or just tired of being pregnant?:D
As long as she looks more like you than Mike, she'll be just fine!! J/K Mike....maybe.... :eek:

Brandy, I'm really glad that there's no longer a concern about your daughter's well being!! Are you "glowing" yet or just tired of being pregnant?:D

I hope this one looks like me! Our other daughter is a mini Mike :) I want at least one child with my hair color.

I don't know about "glowing". I've never quite understood that phrase, but I down Tums like they're skittles, can't sleep through the night and have thrown up while trying to brush my teeth more times than I can count (sorry if TMI, lol) so yeah, I'll be happy when the 10 weeks are up.

The only cool part about being pregnant to me is feeling the baby move and the anticipation of seeing who our baby is. I could do without all the other stuff.