my tank recent have flatworm....

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I dip every new coral in a container with a drop of flat worm exit. Always surprised and pleased when I see some dead critters floating.
What Trido said, Melanarus Wrasse, beautiful fish, mine is about 3-4 inches mainly because some ot those worms were huge
It could have been just MY melanarus, (I lost him in a tank crash years ago), but he was going to ensure basically nothing that crawled lived in a tank with him. I couldn't keep anything but nass snails and a conch as far as clean up crew, anything else was just a snack for him, and he actively hunted them. It actually was kind of cool to watch him knock them off the rocks or glass and flip them. I swear though, there were some days I could see him staring longingly at the the tank across the room from his, plotting how he was going to get over there to get the snails.
As I've seen others note similar experiences with them, I felt it was worth noting. Your experience may vary of course.