my zoanthid collection

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I have a Tamron 90mm SP AF F/2.8 Di macro, but I'm just struggling to get some decent pictures with the 18-55mm.
Lol, just use the Tamron.
Try taking it off auto mode and use "A" or "S",(aperture, shutter priority).
And keep the ISO low to keep the noise to a minimum.
Lol, just use the Tamron.
Try taking it off auto mode and use "A" or "S",(aperture, shutter priority).
And keep the ISO low to keep the noise to a minimum.

How low?


Gary Parr from R2R just did article in FAMA and I think he said a ISO of 400 is good.
I use an ISO of 100-400 tops..
If you go 100 you needto turn shutter speed way down
I have to use a tripod to get good pics cause my iso is 100 my shutter speed is like 1/8-1/3 with all lights on
^Yup. I have take some good pictures with the ISO at 800. It really depends on the lighting situation. If there is low lighting then you will get more noise in the picture using 800 ISO than if there is a lot of available lighting.
Try ISO 400 and see how it turns out.
Along with using a tripod you want to put the camera on a timer or use a remote. When you press the shutter button you really get a lot of camera movement.
my newest addition to my zoanthid tank.:D


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