Nano Skimmer

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2011
I have a 14g Bio Cube that, like many, I have always done weekly water changes and strict maintenance instead of skimming. I have also always done this with my 35 gallon tank as well. However, with recent health issues and at least 1 upcoming surgery it is harder for me to do my weekly water changes. I have added a reef octopus to my 35 and love it. Seeing as how I have to be on bed rest for a while after surgery I feel a skimmer on the 14g cube would be in my tanks best interest. Does anyone know of a decent skimmer that would fit the 14g bio cube with the hood in place?
That is a question that I have asked before, but I haven't found a good answer yet. It seems like there just aren't any good skimmers small enough to fit in Bio Cube 14. I am really hopeful that someone will chime in with experience with one that works well.
Exactly I have searched online to no real avail. I know a skimmer on a tank that small is not all that necessary, but it would sure give me piece of mind. I guess I better start teaching my husband the basics just in case. Poor guy, he isn't going to know what hit him taking care of all my things. At least I have all the kids farmed out for a week post-op.
Reef Octopus Nano NS80 Protein Skimmer
5 inches by 2.5 inches according to what i read, i don't know anything about the tank or the skimmer, but it 'seems' like that should be small enough to fit the back chamber?
If you have the Oceanic BC 14 they make an actually skimmer for that cube. It like $50 at lfs but I think it can be had for like $30 online. Uses the little limewood airstones which must be changed as they clog but at least its designed to close the top on the tank.

Your best bet is to create your own. Very easy to do! Or check out the Mame skimmers. Pricy but so well worth it.
The NS80 is a piece of junk. I threw mine in the trash.
I just got a Mame skimmer. It is a beautiful piece of industrial design. Looking forward to seeing how it works.
I got it from Have not set it up yet so I can't say how it is working. As a designer part of why I had to have this is the actual design of the product (form). If I had to guess, there are other nano skimmers that are going to be less pretty, but will function better.