need help fast

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Fish lover
May 31, 2005
Lake Stevens
i have had a diy ca reactor hooked up on one of my tanks for about 3 weeks now and i happend to look at the critters with a flash light tonight and everything is on its side gasping. ph monitor:6.5 oh my god. i quickly shutdown the reactor and bled all excess co2 out the regulator then i slowly added all my ph buffer and am at 7.2 the fish are looking better but still on sides. what do ido, can i add some baking soda and maybe some water changes to get it back. i don't know what to do the bc was dry and the tank was sweating big time. i have been working for an hour and am only at 7.2:confused: :( :confused: :( :confused:
Yes you can add baking soda. I assume the calcium reactor didnt have a secondary buffer chamber?

What is the estimated total water volume?

If you are near North Seattle area, I will meet you an bring you 250gr bottle of pH buffer 8.2 compound tonight, even at 1-2am now, I will leave and meet you and deliver it.
Is this the big tank!?

Best thing is a water change with premixed saltwater. Using baking soda alone will raise the pH and also raise the alkalinity as well.

Swings in alkalinity is also detrimental.

Do you have new water premixed?

thanks for the responses. i do have a second chamber, but i also have kids, i think they may have been the culprit, the alk is at 12dkh i have enough salt for like 25 gal. the ph is 7.7 so i will make up the salt and get back to ya. there is about 200 -250 gal. of total water
12 is on the higher end, but not too unsafe. Just afraid of 'jumps' (i.e. what alk was before you dumped baking soda and what it is now). On the notion of new saltwater, do not dump in just newly mixed water right away....let it at least circulate for awhile. I'm sure you already know that, but just a heads up.

Probably a bit late now, but heavy aeration and surface agitation to "blow off" that excess CO2 will pull the pH up, also. If your CO2 container was nearing the empty point, they will sometimes do that without a rheostat controller to shut them down. In my FW planted tank it's not quite the same emergency but there have been a few times I had to move the filter return to help lower the stress levels for the fish. Hope this helps! Glad to hear they're up swimming!

i dont know if i should even mess with the waterchanges yet, the ph is now 7.8 it seems to be going up and up. the lights in the sump are on and i am thinking of turning at least one of the display lights on oh i also increased surface agitation, should this help.
thanks barbie i missed your post the tank was filled three weeks ago so there is plenty in there.the co2 tank was sweating like a propane tank on a summer day. it wasnever like that before. i think the kid messed with it
well the fish are looking good, i have one halide on and the corals are perking up my sps are sliming pretty badly though, i hope they are ok, just a little pissed. thank you to every one that responded ilham i need to get lisa to post the clown pics they are wonderful. i think they might be nesting. they sweep under the anenome with their tails and pick at the rocks and do the jerky dance thing