Hey Mojo is there a specific reasoning behind the layout you are passing around, is it spacial dispersion or is there some other reason behind it. Just wondering. Do you have a schematic of the wire layout available. Would love to see how you are wiring these things. Just curious because I was looking up the forward voltages of all of these and it seems that they all have a different range of foraward voltages, and wiring them in parallel even with the buffering 1ohm resistor, this could cause a differential between legs and cause an imbalance, over time possibly leading to failure.
For instance one driver ELN 60-48d has a max output of 1.3A. So you take this driver and create a parallel circuit of 8 LEDs per String , that will be 650mA of current per string. Now with the forward voltages also indicating internal resistance, because we know the current and the voltage we can find the simulated internal resistance of each LED by taking voltage over current,
3.4Vf/650mA= 3.4/.65 = 5.2 ohms for coolwhites
3.4Vf/650mA= 3.4/.65 = 5.2 ohms for blues
2.95Vf/650mA=2.95/.65 = 4.53 for the Xt-e Royal Blues
So on and so on. All LEDs have a different value and the minute you start changing one for the other it has to be figured into this.
What I am trying to get at when deciding what LEDs go to which circuit all of the legs have to be balanced when going parallel. So you would have to figure out that legs resistance and adjust the amount of end resistance. In order to properly balance out the circuit. Otherwise you will have one leg pulling more current then the other which in time will lead to failure.I know that inline fuses will be in the circuit but as the leds heat up and Vf changes, there are so many things that should be thought of before installation. Maybe not instantaneously but we are building these systems because of their longevity. If someone else has an opinion I would love to hear it on this.
Here is a better explanation
Parallel LED Circuits - Hover And Smile