Need some ID Help

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Feb 24, 2007
Hey gang, I need some help from you guys with id of a tag along that seemed to appear out of nowhere in my tank lol. I saw it about a month ago, and it was so tiny I did not think much of it, and it disappeared for the past few weeks. last night I noticed it reappeared, but this time a bit more grown up. Please tell me what exactly the maroon colored thing is in on top of the rock in the center of my tank photo. Whatever it is, it started out as a very tiny baby, and look at it now. Thanks for your help.
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Its Aiptasia anemone. Not a good one! You should get rid of it ASAP. They can spread to plague proportions fast! I put 3 peppermint shrimp in my tank and they decimated the few I had. Although I didn't feed the shrimp or tank (no fish at the time) so they were forced to find something.
Some people use "Joes Juice" or kalk paste to kill them.
Copperband Butterflies also are know to eat Aiptasia, but they can be a picky fish and hard to keep alive. At least thats what Ive heard.
Geez I thought for once I actually got a good freebie in some live rock that I bought lol. Are these things really that bad? That just remind me of my other anemone in the tank. I am new to this, so if you guys could tell me some more about this thing, that would be great. Thanks in adavnce for your help.

I have found that the #1 best way to get rid of them once and for all is that if you can easily remove the rock it is on.....take a blow torch and fry that sucker.

Otherwise shutting off all flow and nailing it with as much joes juice as it can hold can work.....but keep watching that spot it was in in case you need to hit it again as it is defintely not 100% effective...soemtimes a few babies will come back in its place within a week or two
Why are these guys so bad?? I know nothing about them. Fill me in here.
