Me just poke'n too Todd
3 years ago I had/have direct connection to Rodan Ltd. China (Worlds largest LED manufacturer)
Not even close, it is Nichia of Japan

Rodan is a tiny little LED company, with a annual rev of 2 - 5 million, which is not in China but Taiwan but have a pant in the Guandong province of China . The biggest LED in China use to be Cotco Luminant Device Ltd of Hong Kong, bought out by Cree 2 years ago. The worlds largest-LED manu's are, Nichia, Samsung, Luxeon, Osram, Seoul, Cree followed by others like ATL, GE, LG, Luminus and others from Taiwan like Epistar and Everlight Electronics are bigger than Rodan. The LED capital of the world was S- Korea and mostly in Seoul and now is Taiwan but only due to fab capacity and soon China will beat them all but that is only LED companies. Nobody is bigger than Nichia or Samsung, Luxeon, Osram, Seoul and Cree. The LED's color range and output, with what you can do with them has soared in the last two years. The leader in High-Output LED's is now Luminus of USA, MA. One has to take note that HO LED is not the big market but gets the most attention. That race for the last two years has been between Luxeon --> Cree and now --> Luminus. And Luminus LED HO are single core and not multi-core like Cree. The new SST-90 by Luminus is 2250 l.
The unwanted spectral values (yellow into green) from most aquarium lighting is in our receptive range
That is my point, it is human need not a coral need. Coral reefs are Blue-Green. BUT I understand people do not like the look of a real coral reef color or the real color of corals themselves. I mean, if a coral in nature is dull red how much cooler is it if we can make it look or appear bright red but to me many are artificial looking, look fake and blue tanks annoy me allot. Other annoying issue with some LED fixtures is their stroboscopic affect.
I need to add one thing about LED Sanjay does not like, they have a poor CRI ~ 80 and need to be in the 90's.