New get together pig roast? frag swap? something?

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Thanks to crazyfish and his family for a wonderful afternoon. Sorry I had to leave early but I am sure all of you understand. It was a great day, with great food, with great friends. Darn, I didn't get my free pack of Rods food or my koozie. Oh well, there is next year. Had a great time and it was good to see everyone again, and thanks Matt!
Thanks for a great time, it was good seeing everyone and good grub. Thanks to Kevin and Deb for all the information on Krypto Pro. Not sure if the video will work..

Am working on pivoting the video so you don't have to look sideways lol
Good times...went way too fast, didn't get nearly the chance to get to know everyone I was looking forward to, or catch up those familar! One thing for sure though is we will all be around a very long time as we share the same crazy addiction.

Thanks Matt and Jessica for another year of this event. Hope to see it continue!
That sure looked like fun, getting to meet fellow reefers, putting a face to the name, having a few adult beverages, post more pics!
Very wonderful party everything considered as being in the South end and all.
Was great meeting up with so many friends hadn't seen in so long and new ones whom I met for first time. Thanks to Matt and Jessica for the generous hospitality and to all the folks who brought refreshments.
Yes a whole lot of fun, had a great time and nice to see so many make it, new faces and familiar alike. A very BIG thanks to Matt & Jessica for hosting, those who contributed to the delicious foods and Ed for all the laughs. Already looking forward to next years event.

Cheers, Todd
Once again Matt, and Jess has hosted a great BBQ.
Good food and great conversations.
Picked up a few good tips, and met some new reefers.

Thanks to the "North-enders" for stopping by my place and offering some needed advice on my new build.
I had such a great time....thanks Matt and Jessica. Had a blast getting to meet people I have talked with on here and finally got to get to know them in person. Had a blast. Next year will be even better I'm sure. Thanks again.