New Percs

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Reef Monkey
Oct 18, 2003
Seattle, WA
I have been looking off an on for a month or so for a nice percula pair, but could never find any with clean enough coloring or ones the looked healthy enough to me (im picky : P).

Well last weekend I went to Below Sea Level and spied a gorgeous A. Percula. The only problem being that it had only been there about a week, however, Chris said he would hold it for me. So I went back this week and it still looked fantastic. I picked up him and another nice looking one from the same batch and they are taking to eachother quite well.

Sorry for the small blurry pics, but Im running out of space in my galllery.



Looks like they are going to pair up just fine.

These will be the first fish in my 6 month old tank frag tank. Look out shrimp! you're no longer king of the hill.

-Erik :D
The markings are perfect. I have a pair that looks very similar. They originated from the Solomon Isle. Make sure you don't have any large openings in your tank! I had one originally jump out of the tank. Found him lying on the carpet the next morning. Talk about heart breaking, not alone expensive at $30 a fish. Do they have an anenome to bond with?
Do they have an anenome to bond with?

Clownfish do not need an anenome to bond with or is it the aneome bonded with the clownfish would be more appropriate.:)

Anyway clownfish do just fine without an anenome and saves all the head ache of the anenome moving around and getting caught up in overflows and PH's and stinging other corals.

Those do look like awesome looking clowns. Congrats!:)
Erik - they have awesome coloring! Great find!
Man Nikki thats nothing!

I took those pics in the dark lastnight. The flash really washes them out. I just snapped about 70pics with lower exposure under the MH. Hopefully theres a good one in there somewhere. I'll post after I get done digging through all the pics.

Well you would think I could get a decent picture, but no...
I should just stick to crayons.

Here's all i got out of those 70 someodd pics I snapped:




Nice find. They look very healthy. I got a pair from RM about a year ago. I love my pair they are a very personable fish. Don't know if you interested but I just had my BTA split. BTA's are not to be the anemone of choice fer this clown but after maybe 3 months of acting like they did'nt even see the BTA. Now you can't hardly get them out.
See Ya,
I have been looking for another one to go with the one I have...Below sea that a store...if so where is it at?
It sure is. It's in the University District of Seattle right of the Ave.

4142 NE Brooklyn, Suite 101
Seattle, WA 98105
Phone: 206-545-1910

Chris and Dan are always up to talk tank and are both very knowledgeable.

Here are some quote from refernces that helped me.

" ...The percula clownfish often has a face with more pronounced bulging structure, or more of a frog looking face with bulging eyes and cheekbones when viewed head on. The ocellaris' face is more plain looking in comparison when viewed head on. Some say the "eyes" have it. Perculas quite often have have a pure bright orange iris around the black pupil. This often gives them the illusion of having smaller eyes, or a beady little eyed look, as some say. Ocellaris clowns more often have a grayish orange iris which gives them the illusion of a larger looking eye than some percula clownfish. But, this sign isn't always reliable. Percula clownfish more often than not have more black coloration on their bodies than the similar looking ocellaris clownfish. This includes wider black margins which divide the orange and white markings. Ocellaris clownfish usually have thin black dividing margins between the orange and white. This overall darker coloration of the percula is recognized by most hobbyists as the most recognizable difference between these two fish."
- Tom Miller,Percula Clownfish vs. Ocellaris Clownfish - Which is Which? (True Percula vs. False Percula)

Rob Toonen discribes the difference as follow:
"Technically the difference between the two has little to do with coloration - most of the clowns show coloration variation throughout their range. The real difference is in the number of fin rays in the dorsal fin:

A. ocellaris has 11 (but in rare individuals 10) fin rays
in the dorsal fin.
A. percula has 10 (but in rare individuals 9).

The spinous anterior portion of the dorsal fine is elevated in A.
percula (3.1 - 3.3 times the length as opposed to 2.1 - 2.9 in A. ocellaris) There are black varieties of A. ocellaris around Darwin, and the standard "black margin around the white bars"
description does not hold"
-Rob Toonen

The truest way to tell them apart by finding out what area they were collected in.

" If the clown comes from northwestern Australia towards the base of SE Asia, it's A. ocellaris. If it comes from Northern Queensland or Maelanesia, it's A. percula."- John Rice

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