New Reef magazine! - from Anthony

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You've outdone yourself kind sir on the 3rd issue.

I took it into the Fish Store I'm temporarily managing, showed it to a bunch of people while checking out and you are getting many kind comments.
I read issue 2 and 3 overthis week and enjoyed both. I must say I would like to see the next photography segment about how people use the photoshop to mislead others on color etc. I have done it for some people before with zoa's etc, and you would be surprised ( OK you wouldn't) at how many people did not realize how a picture taken a certain way or under 20k versus 10K looks. I really enjoyed the pictures in all 3 issues so far, I assume most you took ( I am very jealous about that , and hope to get better with my pictures soon) Also I know now not to travel to Tonga anytime soon, but would really enjoy a trip to Spain. Have you been to Australia yet? Can we here about it? Also I wanted to here more about protected species such as the Red Coral but worry about people trying to collect it since someone said it is Rare or protected from collection. Always trying to profit off the enviroment etc. You have made us all think more about the world view of reef keeping so please continue to keep up the good work.
Thank you
Thanks very much for the feedback! And yes, the next photography article will deal with the good and bad ways to use Photoshop. If used in moderation, it can very much improve a photograph, but as you pointed out, it can also be abused to make an animal look very different from its actual appearance.

Thanks kindly for the continued PR Curt :) And to all for the kind words.

I'd like to add specifically too that yes... the images in the mag are all mine/ours unless otherwise noted... AND, we are militant about not corrupting images with manipulations. In fact, it is rare that we touch the images at all... it was a stated goal in producing the magazine. That said, we do use and recommend any (professional) manipulations that can render an image more like the actual state of color/rendition. That is to say... if an image fails to capture the natural visage of that moment in time, a correction may be acceptable then. A common example would be correcting white balance if the photographer failed to set it (custom) before taking the shot.

But the yardstick for adjustments is "more like natural" or "leave it alone" :):):)

Unnatural adjustments that folks commonly do to show off or (ewww) sell their corals such as goosing contrast or saturation are, IMO, shameful. Unless they are calling such images art (and they are not)... I dont see the use or honesty in making such manipulations.

All that said... I do not consider myself a professional designer. I can grow corals... I can photograph well... but I do not have the skills to improve photographs. Frankly, I dont have the desire either. That is (and should be in most all cases with hobbyists) a job left for the pros.

I have never manipulated an single image used in my magazine. I submit all raw and original to the designer(s). If its not good enough untouched for print, I generally wont submit it at all (unless dearly needed... rare images/subjects that cannot be reshot)
Dav... Australia will be a special and fully dedicated issue. A visit for the purpose (of making an issue of it) is in the planning stages.

On deck before that is likey Africa (some amazing corals!) and Asia (wow... so much content that I scarcely know how to fit it into a single issue).

Please do continue to critique and make suggestions. Thanks kindly!
Will your book be distributed in Powells book store in Portland? Every yr I get a gift certificate and every yr they don't seem to carry your book(s). I suspect its the largest book store on the West Coast and should be on your "target" list.
Ive chatted with Powell's in the past. The problem is that many such larger distributors are used to dealing with larger publishers that print overseas. Without foreign labor, I cannot afford to sell to many distributors. They want/need to purchase books/mage for less than it costs me to print them. That said, most all of my dealers/distributor sales are still at a slight loss (hoping subscriptions and greater advertising support in time will subsidize this)... but for the big distributors, its just too much of a loss right now.

I will indeed pursue them if/when I can afford to do so my friend. Until then, please do pass a good word along for current dealers, subscriptions, etc.
I dont keep close track of what the dealers have in stock (that would be an extraordinary feat :p)... but I am aware of my locals and regionals that I visit in my own personal hobby explorations (shopping for new fishes/corals! :))

I believe has all issues in stock, my friend.

kindly, Anth-

New to this site, but not to your books. Your book on Coral Propagation is still one of my many manditory reads for several of my student groups. Thanks for being so willing to answer questions over the years. I look forward to getting your new book!


thank you for your very kind words, my friend and for taking the time to write. It is inspiring to hear and read. I dearly love this hobby/science :)