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Also, Ed, I observed that blowing the FAN to the water surface is more efficient than blowing it to the bulb....

Also, blowing it at the main tank is more efficient than blowing it at the sump...

Hope this make sense.
hey ed where does your ph. hover at? if your tank temps that high wonder if theres no airflow around where your tank is at.. i have a window open close by my tank at all times .. winter or summer its there open and its where i have my intake for my skimmer is at..if i were you i wont go 400watts i'd go 2x 250 de with reefoptix reflector.






this mille has unreal coloration .. hard to take a pic off.



I have recently switched bulbs to 10000k 400watt XMs as I find the Sun Aquatics too blue and barely any growth.. Imho it did help change the colors of some corals but very very slow growth.. I think I'll stick with the 10000k for now and get them to grow faster... The bulbs have only been in my tank for nearly two weeks and I'm very happy with it.. Some corals shows signs of bleaching as you can see on the last pic of the efflo.. Three/four weeks ago i ran into major problems with the tank as all parameters were our of balance.. .. I've lost 4 different types of mille [teal/blue/hotpink/yellow] 1 deep water coral and 1 stag... I have also switched salt brands due to brown aglae and traces of phosphate.. I'm using kent now and very pleased with it...
i'll take more photos later on after i cleaned the glass =o)
Thas good to know Props that everything is doing great... I did not told you that I am too switched to XM400-10K. And everything is a little bit coloring up... We will see as time goes by.
What effect will removing the sand bed have on the ecosystem? Especially all in one shot. Are you expecting a rise in Nitrates/Nitrites/Ammonia? Also what is the reason for doing so? It seems to be trend lately.....
The sand i had in the tank prior of taking it out was muddy due to detrius that had accumulated since the tank was setup.. I had a small cycle because i used the most of the water back after taking out the sandbed..And ev'rything well downhill from there with the holidays and all.... I would've never taken my tank apart but I had to as one of my fish terrorized my sps badly.. [clown goby]


If this post works, this is my Blue Tort from Kevin.

I edited your post to have the pictures show :).
