i was just going by simple logic. hot water holds more suspended salt because of absorption. like gargling with salt water. best to do it with warm water because you can get more salt that way. we did a science experiment about it in highschool. i figured it was the same thing. you would get a higher reading when the water cooled after putting X amount of salt in while it was hot. i dunno, i might be remembering wrong, it has been a couple years and I've done some not to smart things to my memory since then.(finally getting it back lol)
Temperature will affect the observed specific gravity of your water, but not the actual salinity itself. They are two seperate measurements. Salinity can be inferred by specific gravity measurements corrected for temperature, but temperature will not change the salinity of the water.
Didn't see it mentioned in the above threads...what kind of sand are you using in that tank? Perhaps it's just the lighting, but it looks like silica sand to me...