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Sep 24, 2012
Hi, I'm new to the whole Saltwater tank thing I'm looking to start a 100+ Gal tank with a refug for my tattoo shop. I think it would be a great addition to are shop. I'm here to learn as much as possible. what would be the perfect light for a 100 to a 120 gal tank. I'm wanting to start with just fish and live rock and eventually grow to a coral reef tank.
led all the way. cost less than mh in the long run in electricity and bulbs.cooler and more efficent. diy one or buy 1 from oceans by design.
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ok thank you what would you recommend as far as Skimmers and Filtration?? like sump pumps and stuff.
for a tank that size id deffinately get ahold of oceans by design. they have developed a prototype sump that is aio. she skimmer alone in the sump is out performing 4k skimmers. contact them they wont do you wrong.

Welcome, welcome to RF. Hope you stay and make this your home.

100 or 90 gallon is a good size. Im excited on your quest, and good luck.

I am also biased to LEDs, so I will recommend this route. If you are handy with wiring and soldering and what not, DIY is a good direction. If not, there are plenty out there already built and good to go. Its just a matter of how much you want to spend.

Is it going to be glass? or acrylic?
Barebottom? or with sand?
Fish oriented? or coral focused?
softie tank? LPS? or full blown SPS tank?

These are some of the basic questions that you should answer first or probably answered already. If the words are too much? then google is your friend.

All the best!

thank you it is going to be acrylic with sand and Fish oriented not to sure about the corals i do want to add corals but at a later date. want to get the fish down first. On of my friends recommended me to a place to get a good price on base rock and live rock with sand and stuff just want to retain as much as i can will I'm in the process of the build in the tank.