newbie needs advice

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Jun 13, 2011
Hi all! kevin from Buckley Wa. am taking the leap to salt and am in the process of setting up a 120 peninsula with 440vho ( 2 actinics an 2 actinic white) and 2x250 halide. iwaki 30 and etss reef devil,or it may be a 600xr (looks like a 600xr but measurements a little off) I got this system 10 years old, but never used. so I have a few questions. I plan to do FOWLR for a while and gradually convert to reef as I increase my knowledge.

is the etts skimmer junk?

whats the best buy on a auto top-off sytsem or switches?

I have a 10 year old never used, kent maxxima hi-s ro/di, do I need to replace any cartridges?

test kits and additives...I have too may to mention, agian 10 years old. are there any chemicals I should not use are test kits that may be unreliable?

my plan is to use a 100 gal as the fuge which will drain its water slowly into the sump right in front of the return to the 120. my theory is this will feed my reef with all those little critter that will be living in the fuge, then returned to the sump, skimmed etc. so where am I on this theory? close at all? any probs? too bug a fuge?

do I need to use a filter sock? I was considering using those disposebale milk filter socks.

thanks all!!!
Welcome! First off if you arent going to do a reef right off the bat you might want to hold off on setting up your lights just to prolong the life of them. There is nothing wrong with setting them up now though. They look cool and all but if you dont have any corals that need the light then why waste the energy $ and the life of the bulbs as well. Just a heads up. Like I said though, they look cool so its up to you really.

As far as the ETSS Reef Devil, I have had one before and it worked great for me. I have heard from others that did not like it so much too. What type of bioload are you going to be putting in your tank? i.e....what live stock?

Auto Top-off- I have a mechanical with a time that I just top off my trash can with fresh water and it drains down into my tank and the mechanical top off adjusts it where I want it. I do like the ATO top off systems, just never got around to buying one.

The test kits I would discard. Most should have an expiration date on them but if you cant find one on there its best to start with a fresh set especially when you are first setting up your tank. That IMO is when you are going to need them the most and use them the most. So why take a chance.

Your theory is correct, however you should have plenty of little critters in your display to house what ever you are going to want to put in there. Aside from a tank full of mandarins! But you could do a fuge off to the side but IMO its not needed. If you have your live rock in there it will create a home for the critters to live and be protected and able to reproduce just fine.

Some people use filter socks and some dont. The only time I ever did was when I put cheato in my display and I wanted it all out. I had to leave a sock on there for months to get it all! Again its really personal preference on that though. It may grab those critters that you were trying to put back in the system via the fuge. I dont think it would put a big dent in the biological side of things but if you want to run one to keep a clean tank there isnt anything wrong with it. Just steer away from using a sock full of carbon all the time.

I'm with ya on the lights! bio-load? No clue yet, gonna let the system dictate that to me, don't want to be doing lots of water changes....takin it slow.

I'm thinkin on the mechanical top-off also, its just others are suggesting different.

was thinking of minimal live rock in the display, but my real question is there any cons to having a 100 gal fuge on a 120gal?

thanks! I'm look up "mandarins" and yeah I was thinking cheato in the fuge, but are you telling me that It could get into my display?
Welcome to the forum!!I live in puyallup and my son has grown up here on reef frontiers..You will meet alot of great people with lots of great ideas!!
As far as your tank goes..The fuge is great.The more water volume the easier to maintain your levels.However,That just means extra money when it comes to water changes(salt),and additives if you go to a reef.I,To,have a 120 gallon display,that started out as with the idea of a FOLR..That changed very quickly as I got the bug(addicted)lol...I would junk the Kits and chemicals you have and start fresh..
As far as top off...We have 2 tanks and use the JBJ top off on both...We love it and have never had a problem..Or you can also make you own using parts from are several threads here on the forums discussing this matter.
I would encourage you to Read the sticky threads here.There is alot of great info on them that helped us along the way..
Filter socks work,but for me,I only use them to poish the water after a major tank cleaning or water change.They seem to dirty up fast,and I try to keep it as simple as I can!!
We are pretty close to you and are on the forum alot,so if there is anything we can do to help you along the way,Just message us..Have fun with the tank......Shane
thanks for the encouragement. having done freshwater for years I know enough about salt to take the plunge...and always knew better than to! lol! I always told people the reason I don't go salt is I don't want to spend $20,000 the first year....and knowing me, I would. I have no delusions, the reef is on its way! just figured 4-6 months of FOLR would give me the time I need to learn the things I need, (that i always avoided learning about so I didn't become addicted), all the while getting my LR nice and established ( plan to start from dead rock).
Dead Rock is a great way to start...I would HIGHLY Reccomend you researching the Pests of a reef as well..And how to save yourself the headaches to avoid them..
In my oppinion,The single most important part of a successful reef is a RO/DI unit....Starting with pure water from the beginning will save you troubles in the long run.....Shane
thanks again. I know about my first pest...aiptasia thingy's lol. got to see em in someones tank and sure don't want em! about the ro/di. one of my questions was since my ro/di unit is 10 years old but NEVER used, is there any of the cartriges I should replace. its a kent maxxima HI-S 4 stage thats supposed to be good for 99.9% removal. if i have to spend alot on replacing cartridges should I just sell it and by a new model?
Well,The only real way to tell is to get yourself a TDS meter.I have a dual tds meter.It is set up on the water going in,from the tap,and to the pure water line out.This way I know when i need to change out my filters.The life of the filters have many variables.How much water is run through the unit,how hard or impure you water source is..Hopefully this helps you out!!
Im sure others will chime in with their thoughts as well......Shane!!
Hi all! kevin from Buckley Wa. am taking the leap to salt and am in the process of setting up a 120 peninsula with 440vho ( 2 actinics an 2 actinic white) and 2x250 halide. iwaki 30 and etss reef devil,or it may be a 600xr (looks like a 600xr but measurements a little off) I got this system 10 years old, but never used. so I have a few questions. I plan to do FOWLR for a while and gradually convert to reef as I increase my knowledge.

is the etts skimmer junk?

whats the best buy on a auto top-off sytsem or switches?

I have a 10 year old never used, kent maxxima hi-s ro/di, do I need to replace any cartridges?

test kits and additives...I have too may to mention, agian 10 years old. are there any chemicals I should not use are test kits that may be unreliable?

my plan is to use a 100 gal as the fuge which will drain its water slowly into the sump right in front of the return to the 120. my theory is this will feed my reef with all those little critter that will be living in the fuge, then returned to the sump, skimmed etc. so where am I on this theory? close at all? any probs? too bug a fuge?

do I need to use a filter sock? I was considering using those disposebale milk filter socks.

thanks all!!!

Hi and welcome...First let me say that if you need any in person help just let me know and i will be more than glad to have you over or come over to help you at your place. Also let me suggest getting involved in the PSAS club here. (shameless plug) We have a great member base and tons of knowledgeable people and the discounts help too ;)

Now on to your questions and let me know if I missed any.

The ETSS isn't a complete Junk nor is it top of the line. Once upon a time they were a very "it" skimmer. Just like all things technology happens. Now the question is while doing your FOWLR are you going to keep FOWLR only fish? Predator and non-reef safe fish tend to be messier and require a more over-rated skimmer. There are plenty of ways to mod a skimmer pump usually to increase scfm. Skimmy here on the boards would be a great help on this. But it is far better than nothing.

For my ATO I build them. I get the float valves from grainger and all other components can be found at either radio shack or good will. I believe it costs about 38$ give or take to complete. DO NOT do a mechanical ato hooked into a RODI. Floods and disasters await.

Replace your test kits and additives. You can get an entire set of Elos test kits for like 150 on ebay. These are top of the line test kits right up there with salifert. Better than taking a risk with bad kits or additives.

So according to your layout you have your overflow drain into a 100 gallon fuge then that drains into a skimmer and then a return section? Skimmers following a fuge is generally a bad idea as the skimmer will remove the pod population and phyto the pods use to feed. I much prefer to have my overflow feed a skimmer section which goes into the return section. The return pump then feeds the fuge via a "T" intersection with ball valve. In turn the fuge overflows the baffle into the return section.
If I misunderstood then my bad...let's try again lol

Filter socks can be helpful. I use them from time to time to clean the water also when the substrate gets stirred. (What little I have for my wrasse anyway otherwise I am BB) It never hurt to have a filter sock or two on hand.

If I missed anything let me know and feel free to PM me anytime if you need help.

Hey Kevin, a BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers looks as though your off to a good start. Lots of great advice from nearby members that you can learn from. Take any and all invites that you can to see thier systems in person, we're all mostly proud of our tanks and by getting a backstage pass so to say you'll be able to grasp a better idea of the way youd like yours to eventually be. Also I'm sure you'll get the "If I were to do it again I'd do this instead of...and that for easier access" comments that you can utilize from the beginning. Keep us posted and let us know what and how we may help.

Cheers, Todd
Ok, so here is a little reward helping the new kid, first person to email me there brs act email can have the referal points as I am about create an account.
MY update is I am trying to get all the overtime at work I can to fund this adventure as I want to be prepared financially to deal with any probs that may arise, IE if i need to buy a chiller etc. still in the planning phase...don't want to drill any holes I regret, but have got the pump, skimmer and return figured and mostly hooked up. I'm thinking on going with 100bls of dry pukani for now from BRS and see what kind of chunks they send and then perhaps look for more sexy pieces if thats what I need. changed my mind about the 100 gal fuge, going with a 40fuge and additonal 50 for a conjoined sump (with 2 inch pipe beside the 19 current sump)giving me a total water volume around 200gal.

whats all your thought on the pukani?

and YES I would love any invites to see your set-ups!!! anyone within 30 miles? I work day shift 06-230 and am off wednesday and thursdays.
Kevin, its great to hear that your really taking your time in learning and saving for quality equipment in a larger volume system that will give you more stability and a higher chance of success the first time around. The only downside to larger systems in my opinion is that they require an equally large dose of patience to go with. I see that Seth has given an invite and would be a great first visit as is very dedicated/involved in the hobby/clubs. I'm a little outside the 30 mile mark but if your ever up to South Everett / Mill Creek area fell free to stop by.

Hola and welcome!!!
to answer your question "is my skimmer junk?"
well, that depends upon how you have it set up mostly,
but all in all, i would say that it is undersized for a 120g.
also, it greatly depends upon WHICH iwaki 30 you have hooked up to it...
there's like 4 iwaki 30's, a rlt, a rxt, and wmd and md versions as well...
the one you want to have is the 30rlxt either md or wmd....960gph which is just enough to really drive any single injector skimmer...
if it's reallty a 600 and not a reef devil it could prolly handle like a 1200-1300gph pump with a valve to fine tune the flow...
so this is the issue, alot of power to run a single injector skimmer that injects about 700-800lph of air, as much air as say this modern design $200 skimmer:
this skimmer would consume less than half the power, would be easier to control, and more predictable/productive just because of the needlewheel/meshwheel, bubble plate, and high volume air venturi on this skimmer.
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this reply was meant for seth. I need educations on forums even!

I am positive I will be around for EVER from now on. Not one of those guys that expect this to be easy and not rushing in expecting greatness this month...or year for that matter. I will join PSAS but problem is I work every weekend with wed-thur off so there goes my attendance at meetings. I'm not going to focus on fish, I am in this for a reef so my fish choices will be very selective and as few as possible.

so when can I come over and buy a ato form ya?

as far as the fuge, space constraints are turning toward a 40g fuge beside the display with addtional 50g sump underneath. this 50g sump with be level with the current 19g sump and connected with 2 inch pipe. the return will suck from the fuge water and then return from the display to the skimmer. the biggest reason I want to add more water volume is for less fluctuations. also, with such a little 19g sump and limited space under the display I'm looking for room beside the display for all the extras.

anyway, just got home from a 16 hour shift.

am I on track with ordering 100lbs of pukani dry about the reef saver rock from brs?
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thanks skimmy! will be looking into new skimmer....when I can afford it lol. may have to use the current a few months just to get the tank running and see whats up. the iwaki is an american motor rxlt and is for the return only. the skimmer has a seperate rio 750gph pump. but I thought I could put flames...or at least pinstriping on it to pimp it out a bit lol
dude, use the rio for your return pump, and the iwaki to run the skimmer. :)
your etss should be fine for a couple months, dont fret.
there are some tricks to making the etss skimmers work well also;
you want to use these diamond shaped bio balls in the injection tower:

they work waay better that round ones.
second, get a small ball valve for the air injector so you can control the air amount more precisely.
third, build a stand for the skimmer so that the outlet is right abouve the sump water level,
this way there will be no backpressure on the skimmer outlet.