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Dec 4, 2005
Phila, PA
I've got a 75 gal not drilled tank, dsb with about 30lbs LR. I've got a new AquaC Remora Pro skimmer coming tomorrow, tank's been set up since Oct 28 and my water readings have been perfect. I have a yellow tang and a green chromis with about 20 of the 25 snails I bought. Saturday I did a 20% water change and added three emerald crabs, two conc's and a pink cucumber. I came home this evening and my water was yellow. I did a water change and as the cucumber looked like it was expiring, I tossed him. I checked the phosphate, nitrite and ammonia levels of the tank and they were ok.

I have two questions.

1. I had read cucumbers release toxins when they die, do you think this is what I experienced?

2. I also have been seeing little translucent white, what appear to be a flatworm. They are 1/4" long at the most, have a split tail and they flair at the other end, kind of like a spinaker. I had seen one and two at a time previously, but Sunday morning I saw eight on the glass. Nothings eating them and I'm concerned that where I once saw two, then eight, I may be seeing hundreds shortly. Any idea what these are and are they bad?
i would have to (guess) that the cucumber caused the problem with the water..i have read about them releasing stuff when they die...i would run some carbon and do another water change or two, just to be sure that your other livestock isn't affected
Thanks, I thought someone else may have experienced this. Any idea on what the white things are?
not sure about the white may want to check about the cucumber as well..i was just guessing, but i have heard similar things that you have!
Thanks, I've got to pick up more water tomorrow and plan on another 20% change tomorrow night.
I dont know about the white things but you should try to get away, even though I love the cucumbers and sea apples (I have 2 pink/green cucumbers and two sea apples) they need to be feeded everyday and need to stay away from waterpumps and that stuff.

If you could post some pics from the white things you are saying it will help a lot!
I don't see them all of the time, normally in the morning when my lights come on and only for a short time. I'll try to get a couple of shots in the morning and post them tomorrow. Thanks
I've heard something similar about cucumbers before as well, but never really experienced anything first hand like that before. As Ron suggested, I'd run some carbon and do your water changes. That should help absorb and dilute whatever was released in the water. As for the "worms" on the glass, couldn't say for sure. Any way to post a pic so someone could positively ID it?:)
Thanks Rocket, looking at the pictures this is exactly what I have. I'll just monitor them to see how many I get and when they decline. Thanks!!
NO prob trc, From what I've heard I'm gonna keep an eye out and if I see them multiplying a bunch, I'm gonna nuke them with flatworm exit. But I figure why add chemicals if its just a natural cycle in the tank and they die off in small numbers on their own.
If the flatworms were bright red or orange then you need to take immediate action, from what I hear.
I had a battle with flatworms recently. I didn't want to put chemies in my tank and tried my hardest to go about eradicating them biologically, but in the end, I used Flatworm Exit. It worked, it was awesome. good times. I got a turkey baster outta the deal. Gotta love the turkey baster.

The thing is: I found a white flatworm in my tank today. I kinda freaked out until seeing this post, but I am going to keep an eagle eye on my tank for the next few days. One can never be too cautious. :D
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Be careful on Flatworm Exit if you have a lot of them: equivalent to having a very large fish die in your tank if you have a big mass of flatworms. Follow instructions carefully, oxygenate!!! and watch any tangs---they take a lot of oxygen.