North Sound Reefers full tank shots.

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thanks alot, I'll let ya all know when its up, might even do a kind of build thread, I just now drilled the holes for the overflow, now going to drill returns
I am really trying to get away from over stocking my tank so I am restricting myself to just one fish this time!!

Well, I thought I might share my three display tanks.

Here is my 75 gal mixed reef


This is my 54 gal corner softy tank


And my new 90 gal softy tank

Nice tanks. I love that squamosa in the last picture.

Thanks, the big one? He was the size of the little one on the right just a year ago. I think he grew just a little too fast. He was in the 75 and I had to move him to the 90. He was running out of room in the 75.
Hey Jeff that Frog Spawn really took off! Here is a cell phone picture of about 2/3rds of my 225 just before transferring onto the 240 Gal. In the middle of all that my computer crashed an I lost all of my tank shots. I will post some of the transfer as soon as I get the camera out.


Why did my picture show up as a hyper link instead of in the body of the post?
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How did you know that I was hinting at you. You must have felt the vibes I was sending up there. "CHANTING: TODD POST PICTURES, TODD POST PICTURES"
Hahaha! You just want to make fun of my ill conceived notion of what a reef tank should look like.
I was happy (sort of) with it for several months, and I decided I needed some more space. So for the last few nights DJ and I have been doing something that a charitable person might call aquascaping. I am about ready to pull out all the rock and start over. We will see what tonight brings. It currently looks like I stumbled with an armload of live rock and dropped it in the tank, narrowly missing some coral and clams.
OK Floyd, here is my overcrowded 75. I can't wait to get the new system up and running before I have an all out war in here plus weekly water changes and cleaning out the skimmer every two days is a bit much. But I do what I have to do to make everything happy or at least tolerate it for now.





I think you are over full, you should probably donate many corals to the other NSR guys. I'd be happy to distribute them for you ;-)
It looks as good as I remember!

That tank is still as amazing as I remember it. The pictures do not capture the colors though. It is one of those best seen with your own eyes.
Yea Todd I'll have plenty to donate,sell and trade shortly. You get first pick though in trade for that clam.

Cheers, Todd

P.S. Thanks Floyd you can pick 2nd
Here is a pic of my 375g BEFORE the decimation of fish occurred:

IMG_2303 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I am not able to figure out how to post the picture instead of the link..I tried included the URL within the IMG tag, but no luck.

In any event, the restocking of my tank begins Feb 24th (the 8th wk w/o any fish in the tank)

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