Northend Chapter of PSAS?

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Would you like to see a North end chapter of PSAS formed?

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I'm with Ed. Don't split the PSAS and don't go making another group.

I also enjoyed what Reed mentioned in his post. A lot of good points made.

What happened to the days when people enjoyed a nice few hours away from everything and talked about there hobby. Are people to busy these days to spend a few hours away at a meeting that has probably been on the books for months? No more exuses of It's to far to travel or there's to much traffic to go. Way to many excuses being heard here. If it is truley something that you are passionate about you would make the time.

Everytime I talk with some friends or family about reef tank this or look at my new stand isn't it cool, you know what happens? That's nice dear, enough aready we're tired of hearing about something that does not interest us. That is the attitued that I get after a few times of trying to talk with someone who doesn't enjoy this hobby as much as I..

I would love to see more informal get togethers where we reefkeepers can unite and have fun, enjoy talking about something that we are passionite about to people who don't mind hearing about this or that reef related stuff and why... Because they share the same passion that we all do.

Boy howdy... I'm going to stop now and forever hold my Peace. Because if we cannot all join forces and make this one hell of a GREAT club for EVERYONE, then I would prefer not to keep going.

I say go ahead and split off into a seperate group if you must and maybe I will join and maybe I will not. But if we are to keep talking about splitting the PSAS into seperates we might as well split it into more than 2 groups. How about this...

1. Northend Chapter
2. Peninsula Chapter
3. Central Sound Chapter
4. Southern Most Sound Chapter

And an Overall PSAS governing body that over sees all chapters.

Because after looking at the link and map at Puget Sound - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it seems that 2 chapters might not be enough and that someone might seem that it isn't fair to have just a Northend chapter.

With that I go join my family for dinner and talk about nothing reef related.
Here's one more idea to think about folks....there is nothing stopping several people who all happen to be members of PSAS from getting together to have a meeting. It doesn't have to be a PSAS meeting. I chat with my reefing buddies all the time and enjoy it. It is on our term in our location of choice and with the beverage we choose. There is no cost, no planning and no complaints afterwards. It is really nice. Further, this kind of thing allows a topic that may not be of interest to the rest of the club (like advanced reefkeeping or opinions on LEDs or airplanes or tobacco pipes or beer get what I am saying). This doesn't have to be a decision of the PSAS....there is nothing to stop people in the northend form getting together.
well im all for making another club. not everyone can find the time to drive 2-3 hours one way for a meeting. its not like im bashing psas or try to recruit its people. i am a member and sometimes i dont mind the drive but it gets old to keep driving that far. and yes i know there is a meeting 2 mins from my house next month. i just say we should start our own club. nothing against psas
Here's one more idea to think about folks....there is nothing stopping several people who all happen to be members of PSAS from getting together to have a meeting. It doesn't have to be a PSAS meeting. I chat with my reefing buddies all the time and enjoy it. It is on our term in our location of choice and with the beverage we choose. There is no cost, no planning and no complaints afterwards. It is really nice. Further, this kind of thing allows a topic that may not be of interest to the rest of the club (like advanced reefkeeping or opinions on LEDs or airplanes or tobacco pipes or beer get what I am saying). This doesn't have to be a decision of the PSAS....there is nothing to stop people in the northend form getting together.

+1 to Reed's comments
... Our tight little group of 20-50 who live here will set up informal probably small gatherings of a dozen to 30 and chat and have fun and come up with what WE wish to do. If some time in future something should evolve from it, at that point we can make proposals to the club. Not requesting any permission, support, nor voted changes from PSAS. Just friends with shared interests getting together for a good time...

Looks like we are getting a consensus :>)

Perhaps Shawn O'Donnell's American Grill & Irish Pub 122 - 128th Street SE | Everett, WA 98208 | PH: 425-338-5700 | FAX 425-338-5754 Banquet room at Shawn O'Donnell's

Or the Grange hall in Lynnwood/Mill Creek
There are many other cheap or free gathering places for a fun chat with friends and maybe a bite or other refreshments.
I am inspired that so many who rarly make it to meetings are excited about getting together.

On a side note, this reminded me that my PSAS club dues are probably due for next year. Just sent them some money for 2011 :>)
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I think that you all up there if you do some work and have your own "CLUB" or group would be great..
MAYBE in the future PSAS could incorporate the "northend club" into it to join forces and be bigger
BUT the PSAS would need to see monthly attendance records be good, efforts to find sponsors, donations, and the such..
This was the point in the first place.. we cant adopt a "northend chapter" when there is no chapter to adopt...
Clubs can be many things to many people and sometimes they evolve, die, grow or just stay the same. The basic premiss of a club is for like minded folks to get together and talk about reef tanks and related.
In following this thread it seems to be pointing to a very rigid guideline, as in its this way or that way and to me its not needed to be like that at all. The PSAS is the main club in the Seattle area thatwas started a number of years back and has evolved into what it is....A good club! But the basic premiss of a club is what I said above and it does not mean that the PSAS should be effected by others wanting to get together and have some smaller clubs getting together and chatting, nor should these smaller clubs be effected by the means and methods of the PSAS.
I dont think their is a law or bylaw of the PSAS that prohibits folks from getting together in their local areas to shoot the ****. So whats stopping folks? I am sure the PSAS would encourage this as it lends to the main reason folks create clubs?? right??
The PSAS is a mature club that offers alot of things for its membership, folks should simple look at it and decide or not "Hey its cool and hardly cost anything" then join it or not. If folks want to have a smaller more intimate meeting that are easy to get to or more convient they hey go for it, it will be what you want it to be. It DOES NOT stop you from being/supporting the PSAS for what it offers its members. I dont think you folks need to have chapters, or divisions or the other stuff, or impose on the way the PSAS is run, it is what it is as I have said above and it took a long time to make it such a good club.

anyway just a thought

Clubs can be many things to many people and sometimes they evolve, die, grow or just stay the same. The basic premiss of a club is for like minded folks to get together and talk about reef tanks and related.
In following this thread it seems to be pointing to a very rigid guideline, as in its this way or that way and to me its not needed to be like that at all. The PSAS is the main club in the Seattle area thatwas started a number of years back and has evolved into what it is....A good club! But the basic premiss of a club is what I said above and it does not mean that the PSAS should be effected by others wanting to get together and have some smaller clubs getting together and chatting, nor should these smaller clubs be effected by the means and methods of the PSAS.
I dont think their is a law or bylaw of the PSAS that prohibits folks from getting together in their local areas to shoot the ****. So whats stopping folks? I am sure the PSAS would encourage this as it lends to the main reason folks create clubs?? right??
The PSAS is a mature club that offers alot of things for its membership, folks should simple look at it and decide or not "Hey its cool and hardly cost anything" then join it or not. If folks want to have a smaller more intimate meeting that are easy to get to or more convient they hey go for it, it will be what you want it to be. It DOES NOT stop you from being/supporting the PSAS for what it offers its members. I dont think you folks need to have chapters, or divisions or the other stuff, or impose on the way the PSAS is run, it is what it is as I have said above and it took a long time to make it such a good club.

anyway just a thought


Yup! .
I don't think starting a new club is a viable option. I do not believe there will be enough support from sponsor's, LFS, etc.

Having "unofficial" get togethers is about the best thing to do right now, although it would be nice to get PSAS to okay it so we could post it on the PSAS website and in the PSAS forum here on RF. Setting this up in a way is starting a "northern club"

Once a steady group of us are continually getting together it could be moved forward to either video conference to the "Main" PSAS meetings.

Using technology (web cams) or the webinar option. If the BOD is willing or able to do this, I believe that there will be a little more participation with the meetings. If nothing else, everyone will have the option to watch the presentations. If meetings or presentations were done like this, then you could do a northern, central, southern, and the Olympic Penn meeting areas. This would cut down everyone's drive time, and if it's one of those you want to be there in person, then just go.

I think the attitude of the posts of if you don't like the way stuff is, run for BOD and go do what you want is wrong. If you are at the top of any organization, you are supposed to be representing the people of that organization, and doing things in their and the organization's best interest. Using a power of position to do stuff that's on your own personal agenda leads to corruption. It's impossible to please everyone. It is possible to compromise to please most people.

As far as gripes go, it appears we have a few current sailors and former sailors in our club. Everyone knows if we're not bitching that means we're not HAPPY.

Honestly if the biggest gripe is the location of meetings, I'll have to say ya'll are doing a pretty darn good job keeping this club afloat.

In the end I think the club should seriously consider getting web cam equipment for the meeting location to broadcast and let us be able to learn and watch from afar. Maybe even have it set up in the future where we can send in our questions over the internet. Just an idea.

Telecommuting is becoming more and more popular job options, why not open it up to being able to attend and/or watch meetings as well.
+1 great idea
well im not trying to do this but maybe we should make a new club for the north end instead of spliting it. its obvious that PSAS is not going to add a north chapter.

so why not make our own club and we can have our own club events and maybe organize something that multiple clubs can attend?
Looks like we are getting a consensus :>)

Perhaps Shawn O'Donnell's American Grill & Irish Pub 122 - 128th Street SE | Everett, WA 98208 | PH: 425-338-5700 | FAX 425-338-5754 Banquet room at Shawn O'Donnell's

The banquet rental is FREE at Shawn O'Donnells but the catch is there is a Minimum charge for catering that they provide. You must spend XXX on catering and the room is free. I think it is between $200 and $500. City of Mill Creek sometimes rents the room out.

i would be willing to offer my house as a place up north for a meeting, weather it be for psas or for an informal north-end get together...i live in lake forest park/lake city area.
also, i feel i should mention that third place books in lake forest park owns a "theatre style" stage with seating available for hundreds and rents it out to game playing societies, geeky grannys who knit, etc, etc...
i happen to work at honeybear bakery and can ask what the cost is for a say 2-3 hour event,
and people could eat or drink whatever they choose from several restauraunts...
theres BBQ, chinese, pasta/pizza, mexican, and the honeybear bakery. and it's about 5 mins from the freeway.
OK, a bunch more great posts to this thread. And now for an update : I hosted the first small get together and shows great promise of having just what most of us wanted to begin with which is a network of north sound reefers that get together at various places to talk reefkeeping or whatever else peaks are interests. A group of local competent reefkeepers who can help eachother out when needed, group buys, share experiences good & bad etc... Most of us are and will remain PSAS members and will be strong supporters of the club. I truely believe this is still a win/win for everyone

Cheers, Todd