O.K Here it is...Atlantis!

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
I don't know how many of you have ever heard about it, but Atlantis is said to be one of the greatest hotels in the world right now. It just so happens that it is here in the Bahamas. So far, 2 phases of the hotel has been completed (with the 3rd one the way) as well as a few marina villages, shopping plazas and even a new bridge to accomodate visitors. Just to give you an idea of what it costed, just phase 2 alone which will be the phase I'll post most of the pictures of costed over 100 million just to add it on to the existing phase!

Sorry there are no pictures yet, but I am dressed, my camera has new batteries, and I am on my way over for dinner and to take a few pictures of the place. I know that some of you may never get the chance to come to the Bahamas (eventhough you will have a great host if you came...Me!) but I felt that that shouldn't mean you all couldn't still enjoy it. Just for the record, some of these picture may be a little big so I will try and post the more imporatnt ones over time. I'm hoping I will be able to go through the dig tonight as that is where all of the species tanks are as well as a piranha tank with over 100 piranhas in it! The reason why I said I will try, is that they don't always let the locals through there all of the time because some Bahamains just don't know how to behave and with a tan like I have, there is no way they will think I am from Canada!(LOL). Nevertheless, I can get a few shots of one tank that stretches across a whole restaurant in sections that has sharks manta rays etc in it and is fed directly from the ocean. If I don't get in the dig tonight, I will be able to in a few weeks as I have a few free passes to all of Atlantis' facilities...One being an enclosed slide going through a shark tank with sharks surrounding you.

I hope you guys enjoy what I am trying to bring to you. Hopefully my next post will be of some amazing photos!
Krish, where da pic's? come on man you know that were all a bunch of impatient reefers. Cant wait to see them.
Alright...I'm back. I had dinner reservations and by the time
Dinner was finished it was dark, so I couldn't get any shots at all
of the tank that takes about 15 minutes to walk past. However,
I got a few of some of their display tanks. There are a lot of tanks
I couldn't get any pictures of because of lighting as the sun provides
it. Nevertheless, I will add them when I go to spend the day there in 2 weeks.
Oh BTW, we were able to get in the dig! So here they are...Atleast the first
few...I still have to take pictures of the piranha tank, jellyfish tank, lionfish
tank, blue hippo tank, sea horse tank, conch, starfish, sea cucumber and
sponge tank and of course the huge display tank. Also, like I said some of
outside with the slides, beach, Michael Jackson's penthouse etc (I might
even sneak in a few of some girls (LOL). Just think about this for a moment
...This is not a theme park. It is a hotel!

Atlantis Phase 2 going up the bridge and on top of the bridge

My wife and I after taking my pills 30 minuts prior to the picture(LOL)
How's that for a tan!!! I guess you can tell who stays out in the sun.

One of a few of the 5ft Jewfish in a display tank

Part of an arch that goes over the tunnel with some crawfish

Lookdown display tank

One of the tang diplay tanks

I took this one for you Elmo...I'll have to get a better shot next time.
All of the full shots didn't come out.

And the last photos of the day are of 3 art pieces that are infront
and in the Casino

Hope you enjoyed it so far...
I found one picture of piece of the large display tank.
I don't know what you can see, but it is just and idea.
Remember...We need sun!
Oh my. Thanks Krish for that clownfish shot.

These are reallly, really...reallly...biggg tanks !

Awesome that its right around the corner from ya.

- Elmo
You have a wife that looks that good, she lets you have a reef tank, and you live in the Bahamas. Life really isn't fair.
Yeah Elmo...It only costs a dollar to get over the bridge and $10 if you want to valet park and $35 if you are not a guest staying at Atlantis and want to go in the dig!(LOL) No-one noticed I wasn't staying there because I walked around taking pictures of everything like a tourist...Tile and all!(LOL) I had a whole bunch of pictures I had to erase when I got home. Aw well, if it was daytime and I knew I could have gotten really good shots, I would have paid to give you guys some better pictures, but I figured why pay when I figured the pictures probably wouldn't come out in the night anyway.
You have a wife that looks that good, she lets you have a reef tank, and you live in the Bahamas. Life really isn't fair.

LOL!!! Yeah I bopped my wife over the head with a conch shell when we met and she got amnesia so I just told her we were already married, so all she had to do was stay with me and eventually she'll remember. It's been 13 yrs now we've been together and she still doesn't remember a thing!(LOL)
Great stuff Krish, great stuff.
Can't wait to see a few more. I've been waiting for some pics from you for a while anyways!!!!!!

Thanks Charlie. I wished they were a little better, but ther is always another day. I even forgot about the Green moray display! These guys look like they can swallow a 5 year old whole! I gotta get some pics of that next time.
Wow really nice pics Krish. I am going to have to bonk my wife over the head with a frozen penguin and get her on a plane to visit now. Hopefully she won't remember I hit her. She can kick my butt.
She can kick my butt.

LOL...Well atleast you'll can duke it out over here and not go to jail. I figure people would pull on the side of the road (Police included) and start placing bets on who will win! They bet on anything over here seeing it is illegal for Bahamians to gamble. If you see two roaches crossing the road for instance, someone will say, "Boy I get tree dollars on da bigga one!" LOL...You'll love Bahamian slang!
Wow really nice pics Krish. I am going to have to bonk my wife over the head with a frozen penguin and get her on a plane to visit now. Hopefully she won't remember I hit her. She can kick my butt.

:lol: :lol: ohh boy you guys are killing me :lol: .
dood krish those are some awesome pictures no joke, hey this time you kind of smiled :D good job .
Yeah...Some of them are. The big one I couldn't get a shot of is and the water runs right out into the sea. Infact, even the diplay tanks are pumped in from the sea and also some are lit by the sun. That huge tank, no lie is UNBELIEVEABLY HUGE!!! It even has 2 manta rays in it and some tuna! Now you know you need swimming space for tuna! In the old phase of Atlantis which is another story all together, has a sailfish in it, last time I went there.
ohh dood that's amazing, next time you are there could you please take more pictures of the tang tank and the clown tank too please :D.
dood you are so lucky seriously :( (E.T.movie) ... home home