O.K Here it is...Atlantis!

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hey this time you kind of smiled good job

LOL...Gabby I smile non-stop. I even get afraid that they will pick me up and take me to the looney bin here because I'm always smiling, BUT!!! I'm not a fan of pictures. That crap isn't funny!(LOL). Naw, I just don't smile in pictures. I guess I never use to before I got braces and now that they are off, I still don't, even though my teeth are straight.(LOL) You'll have to catch me after taking Nyquil to see a smile in a picture!
ohh dood that's amazing, next time you are there could you please take more pictures of the tang tank and the clown tank too please .
dood you are so lucky seriously (E.T.movie) ... home home

No problem Gabby...I hope to get some really nice ones for you'll next time. This was just an appetizer!
OK eveyone has to go to these webs sights to even begin see how lucky Krish is.
Go the tours on the sites.




These are all webs sites we have looked on before for a possible vacation. Im sure its even more beautiful in person. Ya we are gonna have to go now. Thanks for making us more jealous Kirsh!!!
These are all webs sites we have looked on before for a possible vacation. Im sure its even more beautiful in person. Ya we are gonna have to go now. Thanks for making us more jealous Kirsh!!!

I think I can put down the camera now (LOL) I've never seen any of those links before and I live here. They've got quite a few good shots in there. Don't worry guys, I'm not trying to rub it in. I'm just hoping you guys will like it so much that you'll come to visit. And before anyone thinks it...No, I do not work for tourism or the Bahamian Government and don't benefit in any way from tourist coming to the Bahamas(LOL). I just want to see some of my fellow reefers and figured this thread will help get you'll excited to come down here! Did I ever mention that they have stingray city here wheres you can swim, feed and pet all sorts of ray? Also, there is Dolphin encounters where you can do the same with dolphins or if you like sharks, you can do the same thing there too! See...It wil be fuuuunnnnnn!
Krish, not that you didn't do a great job with the camera, but OH MY GOSH... LOOK AT THAT!!! I mean it looks alright..... ;)
Krish, not that you didn't do a great job with the camera, but OH MY GOSH... LOOK AT THAT!!! I mean it looks alright.....
No crap!! That's what I've been trying to say all along(LOL). Definately much much more there than advertised on the links and my pictures.
Hey Krish we could pass for brothers. Thats funny man, we look almost just alike.
Thanks for the pics some of the people I used to work with went to Atlantis and brought back pics. I was bummed I didnt get to go. Oh well. Thanks again for the pics.
No problem brother! However, I feel sorry for you then if you feel you look like me(LOL) I actually just started cutting my hair short like yours about a few years ago. Now you know what you would look like with some sun!
ahh that was sweet but I must say crawfish here don't look nothing like the ones in your shots, ours are smaller, reddish, & have huge claws.
Wow!! That is great! I guess life is good in the Bahamas! LOL.


Thanks James and it is good for most, but like everywhere it has it's pros and cons...I tend to focus and live in the Pros!

ahh that was sweet but I must say crawfish here don't look nothing like the ones in your shots, ours are smaller, reddish, & have huge claws.

Thanks Scooter! Glad you enjoyed it so far. All of the crawfish I've seen here looks just like the ones in the pics. We have small ones too, but they are what they call jail bait! If there is anything you would get locked up for over here is catching crawfish under the size limit and also catching them in the off season. If you are caught with a crawfish under the legal size, the boat you are on, gets confiscated right away. So it is always a good idea to have a lot of beers and your check book on the boat to try and bribe your way out of getting your boat confiscated and going to jail if you get caught!
wwouu krish that must be pretty scary from time to time .
i haven't checked the other websites, and don't listen to ken, he's just jelous :D , i really like your pictures and well i have seen the hotel when the times i see Regis & Kelly show and if they are over there.
ohh and yeah you and Steve kind of look a like .. so i guess i'm gonna have to start calling you the brother from another mother :D ... no just joking
ohh and yeah you and Steve kind of look a like .. so i guess i'm gonna have to start calling you the brother from another mother ... no just joking

LOL...You know they actually have a Bahamian song that speaks about that. It's called Shame and Scandel in the Family and part of the song says, "Your daddy ain't your daddy, but your daddy don't know!"(LOL)
i'll try looking for it

I don't think you'll find it Gabby. It's Bahamian song, not a Kelly Clarkson song(LOL) Bahamian songs don't go much further than where they were created, with the exception of Baha-men.
ohh dood, no !! i don't like that type of music it's just to girly hehe.
to be honest i used to be a huge fan of Eminem :p i even have a drawing of him on my wall ehehe.
hmm if i can't find it then send it dood i wanna hear it.
ohh and i saw your funnypop thingy lol !!!:D at first it was kind of hmm.... but then i thought it was funny
ohh and i saw your funnypop thingy lol !!! at first it was kind of hmm.... but then i thought it was funny

LOL...I showed my wife it and she said I had better not of told you'll that that was how she looked!