o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

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Sorry you felt that way Mike, but that is not what I said. I said we were looking into it and talking to about 3 people including you, looking for input. There is more to a recirc skimmer than throwing a pump on it...you have to think about cavitation on the recirc pump based on bubbles in the box, flow rates, etc. Although it may have seemed that way to you, we were looking at all aspects of the project. I have no idea whether it will work or not, but I think we have a theory that is played out can work well...only time will tell.

I hope you can sell your MR-4 after the mod...time will tell. I bet you could sell it for a good price without the mod too.
Andy - I am not going to go back and forth, but that was a quote if you recall when I suggested one of the Becketts might be for the recirc pump and one for the feed pump.

I got absolutely NO feedback with anything like "we are working on something along those lines and will get back with you." There was no mention of we are thinking about doing it this way, what do you think. The feedback I got was that a few people had brought up this subject lately, nothing else, no mention of I am looking at it for the future or I am in testing now, etc.

Those issues you pointed out were the reasons why I e-mailed you two months ago about this. After the last comment above I never heard anything else. What was I supposed to think?

Like I have said in other posts (and I have been consistent) is that I have no beefs with the performance at it's peak( just after cleaning). I just had too much stuff build up in the reaction chamber and was a royal PIA to clean that every few days. If I set the water level higher, the skimmer would overflow at times. There were just too many things to adjust too often and the cleaning was a chore to make me happy with a Beckett.

I think a recirc Beckett is very interesting and could eliminate the problems with sludge in the reaction chamber by making finer bubbles whose level can be more easily set. There really is no reason you can't get to a set and forget Beckett, but I just couldn't get there with mine.

I have thought about it quite a bit more and I have come to the conclusion that the flow rate will be an experimental thing. I would think that, like the Deltecs, you would have to size the pump/skimmer chamber so that the recirc pump sucked water from the bubbleless bottom (like the Deltecs), the same as the return to the sump. I would also think that you might benefit from having a riser output tube like the Deltecs so that the water level is dictated more by the feed pump, but still have the valve should you need to regulate it more.

What I was really looking for from you is a kit with instructions on how to modify each model skimmer. The kit would include all of the plumbing and instructions with suggestions on the pumps to be used for each. An easy thing for you to try would be to drill two holes in the box, both for the recirc pump with one having the elbows down like the current output to take in water as bubble-free as possible and the other hole being the return with plumbing to route the flow higher into the water column and in such a way as to induce a circular current. That would be the first thing I would try if I had the time and the tools.

Another thought, use both the needlewhhel Sedra pump and the Beckett. Play around with whether the needlewheel should be the feed or whether the Beckett should be the feed. There are multiple combinations that need to be experimented with and you and a few others are better suited to do those kind of experiments.

Sorry to go on and on, the thought just sorta flowed as you can tell I have been thinking about it a bit. No hard feelings with regards to the lack of contact, but there could have been better communication.

Dave- I had a suggestion for your web page. You might want to put in a section where the manufacturer can add a rebuttal-

For example you say on one item:
"Collection cup is really small- Skimmer must be used with collection container"
In another you say:
"If not used with a drain cup, these are airtight and actually pressurize the skimmer causing it to shut itself down"

If I was the manufacturer, I'd want to point out something like this:
The skimmer cup is designed to be air tight to facilitate the use of an external auto-shut-off collection container. This also allows the user to apply a carbon air filter to the unit, greatly reducing the typical skimmer stink, and preventing the scum that collects on the top of the lids of other skimmers. The size is designed to reduce the wetted area and minimize the bulk when it needs to be removed to be cleaned. With the required external collection container (which can be as simple as a 2 liter bottle), a larger cup would be an unnecessary expense.

The auto-shut down is a feature of those styles of skimmer- Perhaps you have not used one before, but I find it very useful.

You also note: "I hate anything that takes this much power to run", yet you fail to give the measured power numbers you promised to take.

o2manyfish said:
I am putting the opinions into layers using Front Page. On all my computers (5+) the pages are clear and nothing overlaps.

Dave- It does not display well under Netscape. Better under IE 6, but they still stagger across the page.

Becket and downdraft with the big pumps are a thing of the past.
They require way too much power to generate bubbles.
Needlewheel skimmers are the way to go.
The skimmers and Dave's system are gonna wash away! This is a friggin' amazing amount of rain for L.A. I don't think it's rained like this since like '78....
Did we move to Seattle?

This is getting ridiculous! It started raining at 4:00am and hasn't stopped. At least it finally slowed in the last 2 hours.

I took some pics at Dave's last night (in the rain). I'll post them later. Dave put a canopy/tent over the test bed. With the wind we had today, it might have blown away!!
Hey guys,

We gathered a group together last night (Saturday) before the local club meeting (MASLAC). Scott F (algaeguy), Ted T (tedinator), Lynne, Con M (Cmagallon), Tom Barr, and Gerald (Black74). I collected opinions and ratings from everyone.

I invited everyone who gave opinions on round 1. Unfortunately some people have time committments. Hopefully Ken L (Konadog) is going to come by this week before I switch the skimmers to round 3.

I am going to try to solve the issue with posting the results to the thread. And then I will get everything posted so people don't have to go to my website.


As for manufacturer rebuttal. I welcome it, and will post it. In regards to the power consumption - There were values taken for all round 1 skimmers. For round 2 skimmers, it has been raining constantly, and I was waiting for a little bit of dryspell before playing with all the electrical outside. :)

Dave B
This is getting ridiculous! It started raining at 4:00am and hasn't stopped.
Quit your whining Ted, you just discribed a typical summer day in Seattle :p

I forgot to mention... Kris (not sure screenname) has shipped me 2 airflow meters.

Hopefully they will arrive in the next couple of days.

More toys to play with :)
Pics from Saturday night




Protection from the elements


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myreef said:
Ted, the links for the ETSS and MRC are reversed.... :D

Sorry about that...fixed, I think!

Rule 1) Don't post without your glasses
Rule 2) Don't post while eating dinner
Rule 3) Don't even think about posting while ignoring rules 1 and 2 at the same time!

I thought the cup was suppose to collect the skimmate not the foam tower as the mrc is doing. The water level is too low in the mrc skimmer. ETSS looks like it is tuned correctly

I think it is a common trait with the Beckett's, at least with the MRC.

I have an MR-4 that is now sitting empty, unused becasuse it was so hard to clean because of just that. The main reaction chamber would get coated. Just cleaning the cup and riser tube was never an option. If the skimmer water level were adjusted higher, I would get clear skimmate and it would overflow.. Now, that could be controlled slightly by restricting the air intake a bit, but the thing was never consistent. I would restrict the air flow and clean the unit and let it run for a while and then I would have to continually adjust it to the point that I was right back where I statrted, with a dirty reaction chamber.

I know Dave was in touch with Andy during all of this so ......
Well I just finally caught up 22 pages and going strong. What a great test you are doing. Can't wait to see more progress and the results. I'm sure the winner will reap a huge benefit.
