Oh no!!! My prized clown!!!

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Mar 26, 2009
Everything in the tank was fine 5 hours ago when I left, and this is what I saw when I came home.:pout: I don't know how it happened.


:rip: poor halloween nemo.
I have a pretty decent track record with saltwater fish, but this one really sucks. He was very pretty and a rare coloration that I have never seen. He was perfectly healthy and ate his breakfast this morning, so he musta just tried to host the wrong thing. My plates are pretty big, and are used to eating meaty foods.
Ugh. I'm so sorry. I love my clowns- they are such neat fish. I hope you can figure out what happened so you can keep it from happening again. Any marks on him?
oh no!:(sorry to hear....i wonder if he got hurt somewhere and accidentally landed on the plate...i dont think the plate can put a killer sting...
to make u feel better,heres what happened to my picasso....he is already weak/sick when this happened...
Our fish was super healthy, and had no marks or signs of illness. None of my other fish ever messed with him either. He went from happy to coral food within the time I was gone.
Bummer. I had the same feeling you probably did once when I got up one Saturday morning to find nothing but the antennae from my cleaner shrimp sticking out of my BTA. Biggest meal that BTA has ever had.
I decided to let nature take it's course and left the fish in there (I also didn't want to injure the coral by trying to remove it) and it was gone this morning. I don't know if the plate finished it off, or if something else got ahold of it. I have a really good CUC, so I don't think I will have issues with it sitting and messing up my water. Still kinda sad about the whole situation though.
Thats terrible to lose such a good looking fish.

Yes it is. So far, he is not replaceable, because I have never seen one like it. As far as I know, it was a cross between a standard ocellaris and a black ocellaris, which gave him the deep black body with a bright orange face, fins and belly.
Sorry to hear man...Hope you don't lose anything else.

Thanks, but I don't see that happening any time soon. It was a freak accident from what I know. Everything is healthy, and I did a big water change just in case.
I lost one of my clown-pair over the weekend also - the stars must be aligned wrongly...
Sorry to hear that. What was the cause of death?

Don't know if you're familiar with the Solana 34 AIO - the rear filtration section has a removable cover. When I pulled the top off to fill up the ATO bottles, I found the fish laying on the support shelf inside that chamber. How it got there is still a mystery - the only thing I can think of is "she" may have been spooked and jumped over when I was placing the top back on during the previous maintenance. Hard lesson learned - I'll double-check the fish each and every time I fiddle around back there.
Mother Nature at work. Does your new pair have anything to host (if they are so inclined)? I notice they are swimming right above the clown-eating plate coral.

I once saw the female of a pair of clowns grab a small fish by the tail and drag it down to its anemone to eat. Kind of brutal!!

Good luck with the new guys!
Last month I woke up to my pair of Percs listless and covered in what I think was velvet. The night before they were fine and eating normaly. It took only a couple of hours for them to die. I have never seen anything kill a fish as fast as this did. Yours appears to look pretty much the same as mine did. I am wondering if it was clown fish disease? It seems they can have it and all of a sudden they die.