Ok you bare bottom people, what are you keeping ?

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Grey Legion

Proud member of The MFC
Oct 29, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I have switched from CC to a BB setup in my 35G tank. I plan on having about 40+ pounds of LR, what i would like to know is what is working for you guys/gals that are keeping BB tanks what livestock does well and what turns out to be not so good.

I am interested in inverts for now, fish to come but in awhile..

Thanks to all, if you need any info from me just let me know..
I have a few snails that love crawling along the bare glass as well as a coral bandit shrimp that doesn't seem to care that there isn't any substrate down. That's all I basically have besides 2 clowns:)
Fighting conchs have a hard time with BB. Depending on the amount of flow you have, some hermit crabs have a hard time. Pistol shrimp need sand. Cucumbers would starve without a sandbed. Certain species of anemones need sand but many do just fine in the rockwork.

When you get to fish, 6 line wrasses should not be purchased nor should jawfish.

Most animals do just fine with BB.
Trochus snails do very nicely in a bare-bottom tank!

Just understand, other than Bubble-Tip anemone's... you won't have much luck making any of the other type anemones happy, because they want substraight around their foot.
Okay... I wasn't paying attention again... sorry. *hangs head in shame*

You are talking about a 35 gallon tank, so probably wouldn't be doing a Sebae or Carpet anemone anyways...

Sorry for not paying attention.
No worries, I am still in the "idea" stage so I enjoy the output of thoughts..

My liking is towards crabs, shrimp, snails, sea hares..etc as for corals I have no idea something low light and simple to start to get my education started..

Just curious on the 6 line. I have one that I have had for two and a half years in my old 120 gallon and it seemed to do okay. I may be missing something.

Just curious on the 6 line. I have one that I have had for two and a half years in my old 120 gallon and it seemed to do okay. I may be missing something.

BB tanks are working properly are usually lacking in the natural food department.

BB tanks are working properly are usually lacking in the natural food department.


Depending on the amount of LR you have, this can become an issue. Additionally, 6-lines wrap themselves up in a mucous cocoon every night when they sleep. I've had 3 6-lines. Two of them slept in the rock but the third one made it's cocoon in the sand.
but the third one made it's cocoon in the sand.

Yeah, I saw one at the LFS bury itself in the sand. I thought he just didn't like me. :)

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