Reef Monkey
I need to finalize my plumbing on my 110gal tank and order everything THIS WEEK so here are the questions info, ect.
The tank is 60x18x24 acrylic with a large trapezoidal center overflow and a 36" stand. It will be predominantly sps with clams and small side helping of lps and ricordea, but for all plumbing purposes consider this an SPS tank. All plumbing is calculated at 1" except the Overflow drains.
The Closed Loop:
I am going to use an Ocean Motions four-way unit with a drum that fires out of two ports at a time. I assume each out let would have the reduction of about one 90degegree elbow, so two elbow for the OM. I plan on using a Sequence 1000 series 4300 with 1" outlets. According to a headloss calculator and some math adjusting for splitting the line at the OM unit from one 1" pipe to two 1" pipes that would come out to about 718gph out of each of the four outlets at any given time. Sounds like a lot huh, but it really isn't when you think about it in terms of the velocity of the water (feet per second). A a Maxi jet 1200 moves about 8FPS. If we see feet per second as (((gph/3600)*(231/Area))/12) then I get about 4.88 Feet Per Second out of each outlet which would be perfect.
Math is fun, right... ?:
Gph= gallon per hour of pump after head and backpressure adjustment
3600= being reduction of GPH to GP second
231= being cubic inches in a gallon of water
Area= being the outlet area of the pipe, in this case 1"
12= Of course, is the number of inches per foot
The sump and return lines:
I am thinking I will use a Sequence Valueflo Dart for the return portion of the plumbing and am NOT going to use the seaswirls pictured to save some money for the pumps. I only need 100-1500 through the sump and according to a headloss calculator with 5 feet of head and the elbows a Dart will come out to about 1637, so that is 818.5 out of each far end out let. So that is 5.5FPS from each far end, sounds good to me!
Data on products:
Sequence 1000 Flow/Head/Wattage chart-
Sequence Valueflo Flow/Head/Wattage chart-
Oceans 4-way Motions Device:
Here ends my lecture on plumbing :lol:
Input is welcome and wanted. I want to wrapp this all up and get to work asap.
The tank is 60x18x24 acrylic with a large trapezoidal center overflow and a 36" stand. It will be predominantly sps with clams and small side helping of lps and ricordea, but for all plumbing purposes consider this an SPS tank. All plumbing is calculated at 1" except the Overflow drains.
The Closed Loop:
I am going to use an Ocean Motions four-way unit with a drum that fires out of two ports at a time. I assume each out let would have the reduction of about one 90degegree elbow, so two elbow for the OM. I plan on using a Sequence 1000 series 4300 with 1" outlets. According to a headloss calculator and some math adjusting for splitting the line at the OM unit from one 1" pipe to two 1" pipes that would come out to about 718gph out of each of the four outlets at any given time. Sounds like a lot huh, but it really isn't when you think about it in terms of the velocity of the water (feet per second). A a Maxi jet 1200 moves about 8FPS. If we see feet per second as (((gph/3600)*(231/Area))/12) then I get about 4.88 Feet Per Second out of each outlet which would be perfect.
Math is fun, right... ?:
Gph= gallon per hour of pump after head and backpressure adjustment
3600= being reduction of GPH to GP second
231= being cubic inches in a gallon of water
Area= being the outlet area of the pipe, in this case 1"
12= Of course, is the number of inches per foot
The sump and return lines:
I am thinking I will use a Sequence Valueflo Dart for the return portion of the plumbing and am NOT going to use the seaswirls pictured to save some money for the pumps. I only need 100-1500 through the sump and according to a headloss calculator with 5 feet of head and the elbows a Dart will come out to about 1637, so that is 818.5 out of each far end out let. So that is 5.5FPS from each far end, sounds good to me!
Data on products:
Sequence 1000 Flow/Head/Wattage chart-
Sequence Valueflo Flow/Head/Wattage chart-
Oceans 4-way Motions Device:
Here ends my lecture on plumbing :lol:
Input is welcome and wanted. I want to wrapp this all up and get to work asap.
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