OMG are you kidding me?

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
I just went to a LFS and in a 20 gallon nano they were housing 6 yes 6 mandarin gobies.
Really.. I wonder sometimes.
They probably sell them so fast that It isn't an issue. People buy them because they are so cheap and colorful, beautiful fish. Sad to see so many getting sold like this.
this store IS NOT getting ORA spotted manarins they are regular red base with blue stripes.. all were crammed in a tiny biocube..
So sad to see this going on.
I wont say the store but if anyone knows of a PET STORE in the south end that rhymes with "MILD RIDE" you know what I'm stalking about..
i went to this store today, they have three male manarins and 6 females in the biocube, along with a fire fish and a pipe fish. I felt so bad for them i did get the biggest male in there, I couldn't watch him chase around the two little males i just couldn't walk out of there knowing they are all in that little tank. I even told the person work that fish area that, that is to many in one tank and he's said well if we would of only got the three we ordered it wouldn't be bad. really are you kidding me i told him... grr people sometimes
I also wonder if the people buying them know that a refugium is required to keep up with the pod population, otherwise they are slowly starving the fish and don't even know it.
OMG I googled the store and all I found was extremely negative comments on the place.
With what I have read, I am scared to go into the place.

I am considering going tomorrow and resucue at least one of them. My 90 has got a pod population that is growing like crazy.
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OMG I googled the store and all I found was extremely negative comments on the place.
With what I have read, I am scared to go into the place.

I am considering going tomorrow and resucue at least one of them. My 90 has got a pod population that is growing like crazy.

just go and look at them, please. here is a pic of mine he was the biggest in there, the rest are half his size are smaller.
If you're considering purchasing fish, from any LFS, to "rescue" them, please keep in mind this. For every fish purchased, they will just reorder another. Sometimes, it may be better to allow the fish to die, in an LFS tank, than to purchase one of them. Eventually, if enough fish die, in an LFS tank, they'll get the hint and stop ordering as many. I know this sounds harsh, but sometimes, the only way to get the point across, to a bad LFS, is to let their wallet take the hit.
the only way to get the point across, to a bad LFS, is to let their wallet take the hit.

Yeah, I thought about that earlier. If they all get bought, they order more and put them all in the same little tank, figuring they will all sell fast enough they dont have to worry about it. And maybe they always do. It a two our drive for me but, I might still go by. We'll see how things go after my husbands doctor appt this morning.
Did this lfs still have a crap ton of sand dollars in that same tank!!!
And you really cant tell them anything the owner gets pretty angry and yells .