OMG! Look at this Lion I caught!!!!

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LOL Yeah I agree Krish he says they can issue a licence releasing from the size and catch weight limits. I think the biggest hurdle will be the permissions to get it into the US

Well, I think that would be a stupid statement for them to make that we can harvest them for trade if we can't ship them away. I'm sure they don't mean or want us to trade amongst ourselves because when Bahamians get tired of them, naturally the majority of them, will just toss them back into the water which isn't helping the situation at all. If they say we can harvest for trade or retail, they must be granting permission to export.
Also, what do they mean about the size and weight limits? Are they saying to leave the ones that are too small in the water??? That wouldn't make any sense at all because then that is not helping things either. I would think they just want them all out or did I mis-understand that?
Well, I think that would be a stupid statement for them to make that we can harvest them for trade if we can't ship them away. I'm sure they don't mean or want us to trade amongst ourselves because when Bahamians get tired of them, naturally the majority of them, will just toss them back into the water which isn't helping the situation at all. If they say we can harvest for trade or retail, they must be granting permission to export.
Also, what do they mean about the size and weight limits? Are they saying to leave the ones that are too small in the water??? That wouldn't make any sense at all because then that is not helping things either. I would think they just want them all out or did I mis-understand that?__________________

__________________ They will grant the permission I am talking about the permissions to come into the US from Fish and Wild life in the US.

He referred to catch and weight limits because those are the only laws they have on the books they dont have laws properly governing the catch of ornamental fish NO GREAT SURPRISE. Therefore for example we would not be allowed to export even live grouper or craw fish to the US under the present laws for ornamental trade unless it met catch and weight restrictions. Kinda dumb I know
What is positive out of what he said is that if we could establish a lucrative trade as incentive to fisherman to harvest these non indigenous species out of our waters and export them to the ornamental trade in the US and Europe this would improve the situation
Here is my theory set yourself up as an online purveyor of Lion fish for the ornamental fish trade and have local fisherman bring you all they can depleting the population and making a buck besides kinda like the walleye in America.
Hmm...I guess we will have to see how that goes then. It is usually always all talk and nothing more when it comes down to gettng things done. We'll see...
ethanriley said:
He says "the experts" forecast that because of the fact that the lion has no predators in the Atlantic and with the abundance of food available to them that they expect them to spread throughout the Caribbean before the end of the year. Interestingly enough he is of the opinion that irresponsible hobbyists is the least likely cause of the proliferation, but rather is caused more prominnently by boats expelling theire bilge water coming from one body of water to another.

Yeah, I have seen that same thing in my state, non-native species spreading like wildfire....:doubt: I don't buy the bilge theory at all for several reasons...there is such a very vast number of worldly traveled ships pass through that sea lane every day, freighters, crusie ships, military ships, ect... and have been doing so for several decades...if this was the cause, I think we would have seen them many years ago, not just in the last few years (when coincidentally the marine tank hobby has exploded in popultaion). Also, having served in the Navy, and lived on ships, I can attest to two, the bilge is not a place where larval organisims will thrive. It's full of every nasty thing you can think of...fuel, oil, sewage, paint, you name it... ect....and very little light as way a bilge supports a food chain that would allow larval fish to survive the length of time necessary to make a trans-oceanic journey. And that brings me to my second point...time involved...A ship at sea will pump its bilge dry almost daily...the length of time it takes a ship to get from the indo-pacific (averave pacific crossing from the Phillipines to the Panama Canal is about 20 days, give or take...)...that's a lot of bilge pumpings...I think that the odds of any larval fish surviving the bilge environment, the constant pumping, ect and making all the way to the Carribean are extremely low...I'd have to blame the hobbyist in this case...

ethanriley said:
He requested me to turn over the fish so that they can send tissue samples to Carolina to determine if in fact the strain of lion off the Atlantic Coast is directly related to those here in our region. Anyhow what do you guys think should I give it to them for tissue samples or let it be happy in my tank?:badgrin: Also since it isn't an indigenous species he indicated that I/we could begin harvesting them for potential retail trade:shock:

Definately turn it over to them, it will help them figure out what is going on, where it came from, ect, and maybe help them find a plan to combat the problem...:D

The link I provided blames hurricane Andrew and the accidental release of six pairs of lion fish into Biscayne Bay from the Miami Sea Floor Aquarium
wow..looks like u have caught a volitan lionfish...if well taken care off, it could reached up to 15 inch!!
wow..looks like u have caught a volitan lionfish...if well taken care off, it could reached up to 15 inch!!

Welcome to RF (if I haven't welcomed you already:)) Yeah, I'm sure in our waters they will be fed really well so they will probably do quite a bit of damage here. Hope you enjoy your time here at RF:)
Very nice lion indeed krish. Just read through this.

I would contact a US livestock wholesaler, likely one of the ones in Florida, rather than LA, as they usually have to work to get CITES, US DFW, etc. permits.

Now get to catching them, and ship me one! :p :D :lol:

Being this is the first and only one you have ever seen there, you may end up with nothing but a waiting list.:p
Being this is the first and only one you have ever seen there, you may end up with nothing but a waiting list.

ROFL! Yep! I haven't been in the water since about October/November when the water gets too cold for me :oops: and just went last week for the first time since so I'll see what turns up. I usually go every weekend from around this time of year until October/November so I've got plenty of time to see if there are anymore around:)