I was supposed to receive my shipment of dwarf seahorses last Wed, but due to "issues" with the USPS they delivered them this morning. I was SHOCKED to see that every one of the 4 seahorses was still alive!!!:shock: I QUICKLY opened the bag and acclimated them very slowly with very oxegenated water. They are in quarantine right now and have been snicking at BBS all afternoon. These guys are really thin, but eating for the moment. They are one tough crowd. I really thought they would end up arriving dead.
I set up a new culture of BBS and set up a culture of Copepods (from Oceanpods) So they will have plenty of food when they shape up... Everyone keep your fingers crossed that these cuties will be able to pull through this!!!
I set up a new culture of BBS and set up a culture of Copepods (from Oceanpods) So they will have plenty of food when they shape up... Everyone keep your fingers crossed that these cuties will be able to pull through this!!!