Our 1st Reef Tank build ever - 70 gal AGA tall

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I can't even reply to your post in the "For Sale" forum... ...less than 50 posts, stupid rule.
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its a member benefit to post there. PM people if you need to. The for sale forum is a benefit to active members. If you want to buy stuff without participating, go to craigslist or ebay

Thanks for the explanation. The rules are perfectly clear to me now.:doubt:

One more post closer to 50...
its a member benefit to post there. PM people if you need to. The for sale forum is a benefit to active members. If you want to buy stuff without participating, go to craigslist or ebay

+1 Rob, nice explanation.
I just offered an Icecap 660 to someone in need of one. I guess that is just not enough participation for some people.

One more post closer to 50...
sorry to sound grouchy >.< Just see lots of people complaining about the requirements for the for sale, and I replied without actually knowing what was going on. Usually its people who are here just to buy and sell for their own benefit and not to be part of the community. My apologies

I'm sure eww is very greatful for the icecap. He's got a sweet set up starting to cycle. Welcome to the forums. ;)
Yes Greyhound I do appreciate your efforts and willingness to help us out more than you know. I'm sorry you got bit by the 50 post rule in this case. We are just floored by he group of people on this site and in this hobby and how much they are all willing to help each other. Thank you Greyhound and thank you to all in RF for your support.
Thank you again Todd for inviting us to your home. We have planted all the algae you gave us and made sure all the little critters got into their new home as well. You are as always a wealth of information and your tank is as beautiful as ever. Don't go to hard that the little fishy that broke your coral off today though. He really didn't mean it :).
Ya Eric, too funny but the reef is a tuff place... so I paid my Yellow Tang a bit of Nori to tail slap him around a little.

So next time your up up this way I could put a starter pack of some easy corals together for you. Just shoot me a call.

We got the lighting all fixed and working properly. I've been able to relax a bit more and enjoy looking at it instead of working on it. However I couldn't be totally idle so I went ahead and ran as many test kits as I have. These are the results. If someone has anything to advise good or bad on these number please do so. I am learning but by no means know anything yet.

NH3/NH4 0.0 maybe 0.05
NO2 2.5
NO3 0.0
PH 8.2
Mg 1300
Ca 380
PO4 .01

I don't have an Alk test kit yet but I will soon.

We have lots of little critters crawling all through the rocks. There are about 6-12 active Feather Dusters that we can see and a few little white starfish and a handful of little snails. We should get our Marco Rock some time this week and really start to make the rock look better than just a pile on the bottom of the tank. My next project today is building a stand for the skimmer and raising the water level in the sump about 3 inches. We have plenty of room for it so why not add the volume, right?

Here are some pics from this morning.

Full tank shot


Sump (I need to build a light holder and put some black acrylic at the ends of the fuge still)


Some mushrooms


A few zoo's


Some leather


A Cabbage Coral

We are noticing that we are getting a yellow covering on everything. Is this normal? The coraline is also fading to a light purple. We have the T5 lighting cycle running at 2 bulbs (True Actinic and Aquablue +) on at 8:30am, 2 more bulbs (Midday 6000K and another Aquablue +) on at 9:30 am. Then the reverse order at 7:30pm and 8:30pm. Are we running the lights too long? Totally new so we don't know what to expect and if this is normal or not.
Here are some pics of the "yellow" and some other life we have been seeing today.



Diatoms. Dont add anything for 2-3 weeks and keep your water parameters stable. Its normal but didn't you not do a cycle? You need to add the rock and nothing else for 2 weeks at least..
We are still cycling. We put water in last Sunday. We put the LR in on Tuesday night with the couple of mushrooms and the zoos (donations from the guy we got the rock from). The 2 corals (leather & cabbage) were put in with the macro algae on Thursday. We aren't planning on anything else going in for a while except the Marco Rock that should be showing up this week. We probably wont put it in until the weekend though.
I also have the Two Little Fishies 150 reactor running with Seachem PhosGuard and GAC in it. It has been running since Tuesday night and I just changed the GAC today.
Nice doing well. You will see alot of fast color change on the rock during the next few weeks.
Merry Christmas to us! Whoo Hoo!! Rock is here!

Remember when your mom used to tell you if you weren't good all you were going to get for Christmas was a box of rocks???

New pics with aquascaping to come soon.

BTW... the diatoms are already subsiding significantly.
Our first attempt at aquascaping

Here it is. This was really a lot harder than we thought it would be especially with the narrow tall configuration we have to work with. We aren't sure if this is final but it's what we have so far. We made sure there were lots of little holes and caverns as well as trying to get as much shelf space as we could for corals. We think we might have gone a little heavy on the substrate but it was impossible to see with all the clouds in the water once we started adding it. We put fine sugar grain sand down first then a #5 crushed coral over the top of it. Anyone think we need to try and get some of it out? The rocks are a mixture of some LR (thanks those who supplied) and some dry Marco Rock. We can't wait until everything starts looking more uniform in color. We know it will happen soon enough. For flow we have the two K3's you see in the top corners shooting down over the face of the wall and we have a K2 buried on the back wall toward the bottom in the center shooting straight at the front glass through the rocks. That plus the 250gph or so return line in the top right corner seems to be getting us plenty of flow for now. Of course some better powerheads would be nice but in due time...

How long should we wait to add the clean up crew? There are tons of pods and little starfish everywhere in the tank and sump already.

Here are some pics... Sorry the water still hasn't cleared from adding the substrate all the way yet so they are a bit cloudy.

Full tank shot


Another full tank shot


Right side


Left side


Some closer shots


