Outlawing Coral and Fish Collection?

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Hey Steve I hear you, I think the folks with the most money to loose will be doing alot of fighting. As written the bill would close of multi billion dollar industry in the US, never mind the impact on our trading partners. Thier not going to go down that road with out a huge fight. MAC is try to be the orginaisation that would be in control of the whole package and is looking for the first 16 million that would be distributed, already thier very poor record is being exposed and is working against them. As mentioned prior it is to broad and to far reaching, you cant just stop an entire industry in its tracks, and put tens of thousands out of work and close thousands of companies. Not for something that impacts the reefs at such a small fraction. You have to remember that the enviromental orginisations are and industry, they are alot of them going after grant money and so on. Its a multi billion dollar industry also that impact corals and fish almost as much as we do with experimentation and so on.
Right now the bill is in desent, as in for the next year the government is allowing all who are opposed to desent on the bill, trust me thier is alot of desent going on right now (feel frre to do so yourself). then it goes to congress for vote. Again as written it is to broad and to far reaching. In the bill they are looking for an orginisation to overlook the whole ball of wax. The group will say what is sustainable and what isnt, what you can hae and what you cannot. Well thier is already an internation group doing this in almost all collection countries and in almost all importation countries. That group is called Cities and the US has signed treaties with them, they have the resourses and knowledge base already in place. So why would the government take the impact cost of what is already i place and being run internationally??? makes no sence in these times for sure. Under cities all the corals and fish we recieve today will stay the same

Its smoke and wont get through.

Normally I would agree with you. But I also love reptiles, and I have watched several states that have passed very similar legislation when people said the same thing. THEY CAN PASS. You have to remember that there are large organizations that their only existence are for such things (such as PETA). As long as we let our opinions and votes be known to our Congressmen/women it won't. But if we get lazy about it and say it won't pass...then that is exactly when it will.

What I am basically saying is that we need to remain dilligent about it, do what we can (instead of waiting for that huge coral head to come in, get a small frag from somewhere) to keep the reefs healthy, and let our gov't know what we stand for.
Its un related but a good case in point...look what happen to gun owners from 1994-2000 and consider that right is under your constitution! Had it not been for Gun Lobbys as I think that you refer to them as and the NRA where might you think Gun Owners would be today in America at the pace the Anti-Gun movement was going during that time frame. Consider this too, just the number of gun owners that voted Replublican in 2000, was enough to change your goverment from being democatic dominated to Republican dominated. Thats a pretty heavy thought to soak up...

I dont think that the above facts be over looked, it is very possible for this to happen. Dont assmune that the ones you have will be grandfathered either. Another case in point...what about the "Have you been arrested for domestic Violence?" question on a gun application. It doesnt say on or after a specific date...it says ever! While I dont think Americans should freak over this issue, a smart person would indeed write there elected officials and make thier point well known and let them know that you will consider there support or lack of support in the decsion for which way you choose to vote come re-election time. This is the only way that you will assure that your hobby co-exist with society and nature.

I realize I am Japanese but I think many Americans just take it for granted on just how much and how good they do have it. Americans have so much more than many other countries. If you done speak up and choose instead to be the silent minority your hobby just might not be there one day for you to enjoy.

Dont intend for this to be political but I would encourage you not to sit there like a bump on a log and be foolish enough to thinK it will never happen here or to me. It may not...but then again it just might happen to YOU! Then what are you going to do?

Think about the amount of money you have tied up in your systems. Think about how many people LFS employ. Think about how much enjoyment you derive from this hobby. Think about just how much you have learned about reefs and fish since you have been in this hobby. Are you willing to really risk it all just cuase you think......

Sorry in advance if this offended anyone. I in no way intended to offend anyone or hurt thier feelings, or belittle them, just wanted those who think it wont happen to sit for a moment and reconsider. One should never gamble more than they can afford to lose......

See this bill for exactly what it is...a feel good law, a good pulblicity roose for politians. Reality is its a band aid on a cut throat! Pollution, costal develoment, boating activities, tourism and thoughtless collection technics will do far more to damage a reef than taking a few fish or a few corals for aquarium trade, especially when so many are now being captive raised or prompagated and great strides are being made each year in that respect.
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Right now the congress is being bombarded by hundreds upon hundred of desent companies, groups, business's and common people about this bill, as they have for the previous bills that have passed. As I said in my previous post feel free to join in. Believe me not very many of the above gorups and people are taking it lightly or sitting down on it.
IMHO the bill as written is far to broad and encompassing and will not pass, just like the ones prior. Eventually thier will be a bill that generates from this that has some semblance of logic to it, this is not the one.

If they can't ban it , they will tax it so heavy that reefers like us feel will feel the pinch of an already $$$ hobby.
I'll just have to bust out my bone shears and start fragging , it's to bad you can't frag a fish! Stars don't count. TinMan